2. Jaelyn Brentwood

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"Mmm, look at his fine ass." Shay let out, I looked up, tearing my eyes from my phone to see Adrian walking out the building. I quickly rolled my eyes, not even knowing why I entertained the comment. She made that same comment every Tuesday and Thursday when I had the class. I dropped my eyes back to my phone to finish my text as I leaned against the rail of the stairs, making sure not to block anyone's path as they walked by.

"Girl, I wish you would stop that shit." I let out as I locked my phone. My eyes went back to him as he was headed across the street. Adrian was fine, fine as hell. Something damn near every race and gender agreed on at that campus. And the fact that he was so lowkey added to it. He never did too much, and was a beast on the football field so I understood the reason for Shay's comment.

I couldn't help but to take him in for a moment, he stood at at least 6'4 with blemish free light brown skin, pretty straight teeth coupled with dimples, and he stayed with a fresh shape up at all times with waves swimming in his head. His style was subtle but it was very apparent he had it. I tore my eyes from him as I focused on Shay talking.

"Stop what? That man is fine. All I need is one night to turn his world upside down. I'm going to get him, I promise you." Shay informed me with her eyes following him. I shook my head, "or you can focus on turning your man's world upside down." I added in referring to her boyfriend, Mook. Shay had a man who worshiped the ground she walked on, but was faithfully lusting over Adrian. I understood that he was attractive, but didn't understand Shay's need to conquer him - something she spoke of often.

Shay waved off my comment, "I've already turned his world upside down. Adrian is different though okay? How often are you in school with someone who you know is going to the league? All I need is one chance, baby. Just one." Shay prided as we finally started walking.  This was our free time since I was now done with my classes and Shay's next one wasn't until three o'clock. "And he's so lowkey," Shay added with a roll of her eyes to the back of her head like it was the sexiest thing ever. "He doesn't do too much and you never hear about him in no bullshit with girls. Like I have to get him. But I know girls are throwing themselves at him, and that shit I'm not doing." She finished.

"Or they don't, that nigga go to class, the library, and practice. He don't be outside. So unless they hit him in the library it's probably not as many as you think." I responded while texting. "Or the DM." Shay let out matter-of-factly, "he has over 500K followers doubt he is going through those like that." I responded. Adrian was a big deal right now, as Shay stated it was known he was more than likely getting drafted. Shay sighed, "well I need to get his attention before he's even more of a big deal."

"Orrrr, hear me out. You can focus on the bomb ass man you got and stop thinking of ways to get Adrian every damn Tuesday and Thursday." I smiled out, Shay rolled her eyes with a smile. "He's my partner for the project we have in that class though." I continued as I pressed send on my message. Shay grabbed my arm stopping me as she looked at me with a smile. "Why the fuck are you just now saying this?" She questioned with a slight attitude.

I shrugged, "because we literally just got it assigned today, and I also don't support what you are trying to do." Which had me questioning why I even mentioned it to begin with. "Girl fuck supporting! It's not even that I want to get with him." She lied, "I just need to know that he'll eye fuck a bitch or something. It's something about the way he acts like he doesn't even see me that gets to me too."

"Girl stop lying, you just said how you had to get him and made promises on how you would." I responded with an eye roll, she was so full of shit. Shay laughed, "bitch, just stop blocking. Let me know when y'all meet up for the project so I can just happen to pop up." She let out. "Mmm, I'll think about it." I teased.

Shay was a pretty girl, she stood around the same height as me at 5'6, she was a high yellow complexion. She loved the long nails and frontals. She was hood as they came but always tried to downplay it. She made it clear she didn't want people really knowing her background, so in a sense I understood why someone like Adrian caught her attention so much. Though her being here was an indication she was step closer to being out the hood, solidifying someone like Adrian ensured it.

The two of us actually met at a party,  I accidentally bumped into her, and it set her off for whatever reason; like we weren't at a packed fucking party. But we went back and forth for a minute and then ended up laughing at each other's comebacks, we exchanged numbers and have been cool since.

"Bitch, you better," she started, "and you're not slick." Shay continued, "who got you on your phone so much?" I blushed as a small smile spread across my face, "what? I don't know what you're talking about." I answered. "Lie to your niggas, not me." Shay smiled as we made our way into the commons. "So who is it?" She asked again.

I knew she would find out anyway, "Gunna." Shay quickly turned and looked at me as she stopped walking. "My Gunna?" I nodded. Shay shook her head in disapproval, "leave that nigga alone. And I mean that shit. Don't mess with him."

I had always been hardheaded, so I wasn't going to listen, I often learned things the hard way.

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