14. Jaelyn Brentwood

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I sat at Tessie's island as I watched her mix up some batter. My phone in my hand as I texted Daquan back. Our texting had picked up, I couldn't lie, I was taking an interest in him. "Daquan is really trying to fuck with me, but I can't tell if it's because he just wants to fuck me, or if he's interested in more." I let out as I pressed send. "Why don't you just ask?" Tessie questioned as she started to pour her batter into a cake pan. "I feel like it's early to be asking those questions, and I'm still playing hard to get." I admitted.

Tessie laughed, "why? Sounds like you like him." She stated as she looked up at me. I locked my phone as I let out a sigh, "I kind of do, but as you know I also like Adrian. And what if fucking with him burns the possibility of that bridge? But then again I don't even know why I'm thinking about that shit, because I'm pretty sure it's one sided. Adrian already made it known he's not interested in a relationship and we've barely talked since we had sex. Literally acted like he didn't know me in class yesterday. I feel fucking stupid." I spilled my thoughts as they came. I had of course confided in Tessie about what went down with Adrian and I, she was my best friend, I told her everything.

Tessie put her cake in the oven and then turned to focus on me as she crossed her arms, "didn't you say you two hardly ever spoke in class?" I nodded, realizing she had a point. "So stop acting fucking crazy cause he gave you some dick." She laughed out, "Was that your first time seeing him since it happened?" I shook my head no, "ran into him Monday, twice. First time he was with Daquan, who quickly came over flirting. Second time, with Daquan again, I dropped him off at practice after we went to eat."

"Well Jaelyn, how do you think that looks to him? Or makes him feel?" Tessie asked, "he was with the girl he was dealing with when I ran into him the first time Monday. I really don't think he gives a fuck. I know it was just sex to him, but damn Tessie. The sex was so damn good, and that's probably what has my head gone." She shrugged, "just hit him up."

"And say what?" I questioned. "Just say hey, ask him if he wants to hang out. That'll let you know how he feels." She spoke with ease. But I was not the type to ask a nigga to hang out, especially one who I had just fucked. Niggas asked to hang out with me again, not the other way around. "Jae, niggas be real prideful. All he's saw since fucking you is that you up under another nigga. Be forreal. A nigga that you told him it wasn't even like that with on top of that." I rolled my eyes hating that she had a point. "But he knows it's not like that, I even made it known when I dropped Daquan off at practice."

Tessie rolled her eyes, "a girl like me believes actions over words, but go off Jae. You gon' do what you want." She let out as she waved me off and started to clean up her counter. I went to Adrian and I's text thread as I read over our last conversation, where he was definitely insinuating sex again when I let him know I left my bra. I sighed as I just sent a message. "Okay, I texted him." I let out as I sat my phone down. She smiled, "good, I like Adrian. I just hate that you popped the pussy so early." I flicked her off, "bitch, fuck you." I smiled. My text tone went off and to be honest, I was surprised that he had texted back so quickly, even if it was just a hey.

 My text tone went off and to be honest, I was surprised that he had texted back so quickly, even if it was just a hey

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