19. Jaelyn Brentwood

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I sat on the bleachers as I watched Adrian and his trainer do different exercises and drills. It was Saturday morning and when he told me he trained on Saturday's I was intrigued to see what all he did. He said he was preparing for the NFL Combine, invites didn't come out until the beginning of the year but they were pretty sure he was going to be chosen so he was getting a headstart.

He confided in me that he didn't know if he would decide to go to the combine this year, he still had a year left in college and wanted to finish and get his degree. He knew he could play in the NFL and go to school but it would be harder. But he also didn't want to stay and finish and potentially lose out on the opportunity. I told him he's good as fuck, and I was confident he would still be a top pick next year if he decided not to go this year.

I watched them do speed work drills as I sipped on my coffee. We were finally in October and I loved this month, it meant homecoming, halloween parties, and fall in full effect. Adrian and I had been hanging out a lot, and we weren't even fucking. Which was a big no no for me because all it did was make me like him as a person more, and the only thing I was allowed to like was the dick. But we had finally got our results back, as we decided to hold off until we did so tonight was a fucking go.

Adrian finished up and walked towards me looking tired as fuck. He sat down in front of me as he grabbed a towel out of his bag, "shit, I forgot my water." I pulled one out of mine, "I brought it just in case." He smiled as he grabbed it and then leaned up poking his lips out for a kiss. I gave him one and then went back to drinking my coffee. "You did good." I let out, "I heard him saying how you're coming down on your sprint time." I could tell he tried not to smile, "appreciate it, that's all him though." Adrian was interesting because he was so cocky, yet so humble at times.

"What you bout to do?" He asked as he stood up, throwing his hoodie over his head and then pulling it down. I shrugged, "no plans this Saturday morning, you know I come alive in the night time." He shook his head, "want to grab something to eat?" I nodded, "yeah, we can." I stood up as we walked to our cars, he grabbed my free hand, causing me to look down at it. "Adrian, did you do this type of shit with the girls before me?" He was taken aback by the question, "what?"

"I'm just saying, if you were, it's making sense why they probably were thinking you were becoming ready for more." He laughed, "oh, so you thinking I want more cause I'm holding your hand?" I shook my head, "you haven't fucked me in weeks, so no I'm not thinking that. But shit, if you were fucking me, hanging out with me all the time, and holding my hand, I just might. I'm just putting shit into perspective for you babe. So that when we end, you know what to change so you have a better chance of the results you want."

"When we end?" He asked, "fuck is you talm'bout?" I laughed, "shit like that too. Don't say shit like that either." He laughed as he shook his head, pulling me into him as we stood in between our cars. He kissed my lips, "fuck all that shit you talking bout, what you got a taste for?" I smiled as I bit my lip, "you." His deep dimples pulled in, "Jaelyn, don't fucking play with me. You know I'll eat you for breakfast."

"Mmm, then do it. You owe me from our bet anyways." He bit his lip as he unlocked his car door. "Let me shower, then I'll eat you, then we can go eat some food." I smiled, satisfied with that plan.

"Fuck Adrian, I can't." I cried out as his tongue circled my center. He held one leg up as the other rested over his shoulder. He went from sticking his tongue deep in me to softly sucking on my clitoris which was sensitive as fuck at this point. He pushed two fingers in me as his tongue continued to focus on my swollen, sensitive nub. His fingers curving to hit my g-spot. I couldn't take it and I was running, I was a runner and I just had to accept that shit.

"Baby," he spoke in a sex laced voice, "you tapping out? So soon?"  He asked with a smile before going back to eating. "No, yes, no." I cried, it felt so good but it was so overwhelming. He chuckled as he continued eating until I begged him to stop. He lined himself up at my center as he came face to face with me, "your orgasm was right there, you have to learn to push through that shit." He spoke against my lips. "I did the first time we had sex." I admitted. "You bout to push through that shit again then." He warned as he slowly entered me, his eyes closed as his mouth opened. "You feel so damn good." He damn near moaned out. I wrapped my legs around him as he wrapped his arms around me and fucked me close, this felt like love making. He gave me slow kisses as he stroked me before switching positions so he could fuck me on my side. One hand was wrapped around my neck as he used the fingers on his other hand to circle my clit while delivering stroke after stroke. The amount of pleasure he gave was unreal.

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