8. Jaelyn Brentwood

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I sat in class zoned out, questioning why I even came. The anniversary of my dad's death was tomorrow but the dread was on me today. I couldn't even tell you what Dr. Frances was talking about today, and that was unlike me. I paid attention typically, no matter how boring shit might have seemed.

I was ready for class to be over and thankful it was the last one of the day for me, I already knew I wouldn't be attending classes tomorrow. I was ready to get home, I had already let Shay know not to meet me after my class because I was going straight home today. She didn't ask any questions as she gave me an easy okay. I zoned back in as I heard Dr. Frances wrapping up class and dismissing us.

I easily started to put my stuff away as Adrian stopped in front of me, we never spoke in class and I hadn't talked to him since last Thursday after he dropped me off at my car. He ended up canceling on Sunday stating that something came up and asked if we could push it to this Sunday coming, meaning we would be turning it in right at the deadline. I looked up at him, no smile or anything because I didn't really want to be bothered today and I was unaware why today out of all days he decided he wanted to talk to me.

"Hey, what are you about to do?" He asked as he watched me zip my bag up. "Going home." I responded as I swung my bag on my shoulder, he could easily tell I wasn't in the mood. "I got something for you." He let out, getting straight to the point "can you follow me to my car?" I stood up with surprise and confusion on my face, "you got me something?" I asked, pointing to myself. "Yeah, that's what I said, ain't it?" He questioned as he started walking towards the door. I followed, curious as to what it could be.

He looked over at me but didn't say much as we made the trek to his car, and I was thankful because I didn't feel like talking. He unlocked his car door and reached into his passenger seat pulling out a bouquet of flowers. He handed them to me as surprise was all over my face, "what is this for?" I asked slowly as I took the flowers from him. He licked his lips as he crossed his arms, leaning on his car. "I know you said the anniversary of your dad's death was this week, I don't know when but I can already tell you a little down. So I just wanted to brighten this week up a little bit for you." I couldn't help the smile that came to my face, the dread had already been on me and this sweet gesture was definitely about to make me cry. "Adrian" I groaned, "thank you." I said as my eyes started to water, I quickly wiped them. "This was so sweet." He pulled me into him, "man, don't start crying over some flowers." He let out a smile as he hugged me. "I'm not crying over the flowers." I bawled as he held me. His hand rubbed up and down my back. I pulled away from him as I wiped my eyes, sad and happy all at the same time. "Let me find out you a great ass friend." I smiled.

He gave an award winning smile, "you haven't realized I'm great at everything I do at this point?" He questioned as I rolled my eyes, "here you go." I let out with a smile. "What are you about to do?" I found myself being the one asking this time as I held the bouquet of flowers. He looked at his phone, checking the time. "Chill until practice. Why, what's up?" I don't know what made me ask, maybe it was the gesture, maybe because I had already cried in front of him twice over my dad, maybe because I wanted the company and my comfort with him on this topic was growing. "Can you come to my dad's gravesite with me?" I quickly took it back as soon as I asked though, "nevermind." I stated as I shook my head. He leaned up off his car, "I'll go if you want me to." I shook my head, "no, I'm sure you want to chill without all my sadness." I said with a small smile as I pushed a hair behind my ear. "Thanks for being willing though." I let out as I looked back up at him.

He bit his lip like he was in thought as he looked at me, "nah, come on. Let's go see your pops. I didn't even know you were from here." He let out as he moved to open the passenger door for me. "Adrian, seriously no. I shouldn't have even asked." He looked at me, not moving as he stood with his passenger door open, "but you did, so come on. I got practice in two hours now, come on."

"Exactly," I let out, "so we shouldn't even go." He walked towards me and grabbed my hand, an automatic magnetic pull as he touched me and guided me in the car. He closed my door and then walked to the driver's side to get in. "You know how to get there from here?" He asked. I nodded as he pulled off and led us to his gravesite.

He parked as I stared at all the gravesite markers, still coming to my terms that my daddy now sat under one. "I'll be right here." He let out, I turned to look at him and nodded as I got out of the car and found my daddy's. I ran my hand over the marker and the tears came immediately. I cried hard, and then I talked to him. I told him about college, about my friends, about Adrian's kindness. I talked to him like he was there. It was like a weight was lifted off of me when I finished. I felt like his presence was there and I needed that.

I let out a deep sigh before I headed back to the car. "Thank you." I spoke once I climbed back in the passenger seat. Adrian nodded, "of course." He started the car as we headed back to campus. I rested my head on the headrest, ready to get home and just lay down and go to sleep. I was thankful Adrian wasn't pushing any type of conversation. "You want me to take you to your car?" He asked once we were back on campus. "Yeah." I let out as I let him know where I parked.

"Sunday still?" I asked as I got out, he nodded, "yeah, practices still earlier this week. I won't move it this time, I promise."

"Oh trust me, I know. It's due Tuesday, move any further and it'll be late. And you were worried about me when your ass got us finishing it at crunch time." I rolled my eyes as he laughed, "chill on me, definitely not my intentions." I let out a sigh, "well I'll see you Sunday." He scrunched up his eyebrows, "you not coming to class on Thursday?" I shrugged, "we'll see how I feel." He nodded quickly in understanding, remembering the situation at hand. "Alright, take care of yourself. Hit me if you need me." I just gave a smile as I closed the door, knowing damn well I wouldn't be hitting him up.

After all the crying I did, sleep was calling my name and I was ready to answer.

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