15. Jaelyn Brentwood

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Adrian came to the door wearing nothing but his boxer briefs, gold chain hanging around his neck, and a smile on his face. I couldn't help the smile that appeared on mine. "Where are your clothes?" I asked as he moved to the side to let me in. "I just got out of the shower." He let out as he closed the door behind me. "Mhmm, and you couldn't finish putting on clothes before you came to the door?" I questioned as I walked towards his living room, taking a seat on his couch. He followed me, dropping down on the opposite couch. He licked his thick lips as he took me in. "I could have, but this ain't shit you ain't seen before and this is how I like to sleep."

"Why does it seem like you are ignoring me?" I questioned, getting right into the thick of it. He tore his eyes from me as he laughed. "Damn, not this dick got you acting crazy already. I'm not ignoring you, clearly."

"You act like you can't speak or hit a bitch up." He looked at me with a smile, "if you're referring to yesterday, we hardly ever speak in class and you didn't speak to me either. And it's been two days since we texted Jae, we've gone way longer without talking." He had me there, "yeah, but that was before you fucked me like that." I let out as I crossed my arms with a smile playing on face, I really was sitting here sounding crazy as fuck. I needed to stop. I started laughing, laughing at my damn self. "I sound fucking crazy." He laughed too, "I'm glad you realize that shit, but it's expected." He shrugged with a smile, "that's why it's one at a time, one at time. It'd be too much drama."

I really fucking hated this man and how cocky he was, and it was annoying as fuck, because I could not downplay his dick, and that was clear in how I was acting. "I really hate how full of yourself you are." He shook his head with a smile, "I'm not full of myself Jae, I just speak facts. I know my strengths, how many times do I have to tell you that?" I rolled my eyes, "be humble." I let out as he laughed, "I am."

"And I'm not here to fuck you either." I felt the need to address, even though I definitely wanted to. He looked me over, I had on tight Nike workout shorts and a long sleeve Nike shirt. "I wish you were, but I'm glad you're not."

"Why is that?" I questioned with my eyes dead set on his. I was highly attracted to this man and his dick had me in a frenzy. He smiled as he tore his eyes from me for a moment and dropped them to his phone that laid on the couch. "Because, I told you I was a one woman man, one at a time for a reason." He raised his eyebrows as he looked over at me and laughed. He picked up his phone, eyes focused on it as he finished. "And you and I both know I'm dealing with someone, but when it comes to you I don't think I can fight the temptation, I don't want to fight it I should say." He finally looked at me, "so it's much easier when you tell me no."

"Mmm, sounds like you and Samoa are more than what you made it seem, just like I thought." He shook his head, "no, it sounds like I told you I don't like to share, and I give the same respect that I require. If I don't want the girl I'm fucking to be fucking others, the least I can do is not be fucking others as well." I shifted uncomfortably, I nodded as I played with the hem of my shirt, "so 'typically' was just your way of getting what you wanted from me on Sunday." He shrugged, "I said sometimes shit happens."

I chuckled as I shook my head, upset with myself for putting myself in this situation, "and I was just a shit happens situation." He leaned up, placing his forearms on his thighs as he looked at me. "I didn't say that. I wanted you Jae, you wanted me. We did shit. I still want you, and clearly you still want me. But I respect you and Samoa enough to not be fucking both of y'all at the same time on the regular."

I hated his answer but respected it at the same time. His eyes were back on his phone texting. "With the way you move, which I do respect by the way; I think you should just date the person you're dealing with." He moved his gaze to me, "what?" He questioned. "If you're so willing to not deal with others, and only her. Then you might as well date her, that whole 'she'll require more of me' is kind of bullshit."

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