41. Jaelyn Brentwood

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"Wait Jae, you've been ignoring him?" Tessie asked as we sat on Facetime. Adrian was at practice and I was working while talking to her, one thing I loved about my job was that there were limited meetings. I worked by myself or Slacked my coworkers if I needed something, and vice versa. It had its positives to it, negatives as well. I shook my head no, "I've haven't been ignoring him. Just haven't made an effort to talk to him or talk much when he speaks to me."

Tessie shook her head, "you're being stubborn, stubborn as hell. I get your anger about it. I really do, but how do you expect to move past it if you won't forgive him?" I rolled my eyes, "Tessie, that shit was embarrassing as fuck. Dani and Ash texted me asking if we broke up, bitch even you hit me up. That nigga played in my face and that's the shit that's bothering me. He's a fucking public figure now, he should know better. The nigga should be happy that I'm even still here right now."

"You're really thinking about ending it over that Jae? You said the nigga didn't do shit and you believed him, I get you on it being embarrassing but he can clear that shit up." I looked at her with an exactly look. "Then why hasn't he? He ain't posted shit saying it's not what it looks like, she's not the girlfriend I was referring to and I shouldn't have to even ask him to do that. I feel like I don't even know who I'm with, all it took was a month for the nigga to change up."

"Jae chill, I feel like you need to have a real conversation with him. Y'all still have not talked with both of you level headed." I sighed knowing she had a point, "I'll talk to him today." I let out. Tessie smiled, "thank you, and stop running to them bitches out there. The advice they gave was trash af. Crystal giving misery loves company. Didn't you say her nigga be cheating?"

I rolled my eyes, "yes, but she's just trying to look out for me and my heart. I know she ain't mean no harm Tess, I think you'll like her once you meet her."

Tess rolled her eyes, "by trying to set you up before even talking to Adrian? I guess but anywho guess who I ran into today?" I raised an eyebrow, having no idea who she could be talking about especially with the smile on her face. "Who?" I questioned curiously.

"Shay and Mook." She smiled wide causing me to laugh, "what the hell you do?" She laughed, "nothing just told Mook how he was dating an unloyal ass bitch." I shook my head, "girl, it's been like two years." She shrugged, "I don't give a fuck, I heard he was thinking of proposing to her and she for sure cheated on that nigga last year with that hood rich nigga," she snapped her fingers trying to remember his name, "Draco." I tilted my head, "and how do you know?" She looked at me like bitch be forreal "because Draco is my nigga." I laughed, "bitch since when? You acted like you hated these hood ass niggas. Always talked shit about me dealing with them."

"Since they be having me selling out, and let's be clear I didn't have a problem with them as a whole just the wack ass niggas you chose to fuck with." She smiled, "anyways, Draco always coming in, he one of my besties now. But he was bragging to me about hitting this baddie that was hood smart and college educated too, and you know I asked who. Of course he was all like, this stays between us because she got a nigga." She rolled her eyes, "some niggas love hitting other niggas girls, shit weird." I nodded in agreement, "but he dropped her name to me." She said with ease. "So it's really fuck that bitch."

"And what did she say when you said that to Mook?" She rolled her eyes, "girl, calling me a hater and shit, acted like she was trying to fight but Mook was holding her back. I wish he would have let her go, I would have beat her ass." I laughed as she continued, "honestly, Mook just might be one of them dumb niggas that believe her and stick beside her. It's gon' take a nigga with the right amount money to her for him to realize he's been a safe bet. I hate it." Tessie let out with a sigh, "me too," I replied, "Mook a good ass nigga."

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