27. Jaelyn Brentwood

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"Well you and Bryce should come to the fair with us." Tessie stated as I sat on FaceTime with her while laying on Bryce's bed. It'd been two weeks since I took a step back from Adrian, and truth be told. I was hating every minute of it, okay I'm being dramatic. I've enjoyed my time with Bryce and getting to know him. But I missed Adrian's dick and company without a doubt but I had to save my feelings and my heart.

Bryce looked over at the FaceTime responding before I could, "you know I'm down Tessie." I despised her for bringing it up on FaceTime when she knew I was over here, Drake and her had been getting real cozy and he was back this weekend to visit her. I had no problem going to the fair, but I had been trying to avoid Adrian. Seeing him in class was enough, so if I could avoid him outside of it I would. I needed to be sure that he wasn't being invited too.

"Anyone else you all invite?" I questioned as she caught my drift, she shrugged, "I only invited you." I rolled my eyes, "well can you ask Drake?" Bryce got up to head to his bathroom as Drake made his way onto the screen with a smile as Tessie whispered to him, probably letting him know I was with Bryce. He kissed his teeth and waved it off. "Hell yeah, you know my boy coming. You always worried about him" He let out with a playful smile as I flicked him off as I spoke lowly, "that's why he in the bathroom you fucking dick." He laughed, "but nah, I ain't invite him yet." He responded. "Yet?" I questioned with a roll of my eyes, "he might come, he might not. I can't say baby girl. But don't stress your pretty little head. He miss you too." I quickly got my AirPods out as Tessie fussed him out, "Drake what the fuck is wrong with you. I just told you where she at."

"He gets on my fucking nerves." I let out with my AirPods safely in my ear as Bryce walked back into the room. "Man fuck that man, he ain't Adrian. We all know that's where she wanna be anyway. Ion know why she playing with my boy like that." I couldn't respond how I wanted to so I just decided to let Tessie know I'd hit her back when I got home.

I hung up, put my AirPods back up and focused on Bryce as he pulled me closer to him, "you hungry? Want to go grab some food?" I nodded, it was the weekend before fall break. It was nice knowing I could take a break from classes for a week. We got up put our shoes on and headed to get some food.

We pulled up to Frannie's, a soul food restaurant that was good as hell. We quickly got sat and ordered our food as we indulged in light conversation. "What's your plans for break?" He questioned as I shrugged as I played with my straw, "not think about school." I laughed. "But I'll probably go visit my family, but you know I'm from here so it ain't much to that. You?" He gave me a deadstare causing me to laugh, he wasn't in school so it was life as usual for him. He worked at a tire shop and he enjoyed it, said he made good money. He was two years older than me and very mature; surprisingly cause it didn't matter what age niggas were they could still take a while to get there.

"My bad." I let out, "what's your schedule looking like?" He smiled, "why, you want to spend some extra time with me?" I rolled my eyes with a smile, "maybe." He ran off his schedule to me as I damn near did a double take as I saw Adrian, Drake, and some girl walk into the restaurant. It was indeed the three of them, Drake was joking with the girl as I took her in. She was pretty as hell, she was light skin, looked like she could be mixed. She had her hair in a slick bun at the top of her hair, she wore workout clothes, and actually looked like she played some type of sport. She had an ass on her too. All I knew was that she better not have been with Drake.

Any thought of her being with Drake was quickly wiped away when I saw Adrian's hand go to her waist as she stood in front of him as they waited to be seated. She leaned back into him comfortably as he secured his hand around her waist, holding her. I found myself getting emotional. I focused on Bryce, trying hard not to look back in their direction because the shit was eating me up. Who was she? Why was he so comfortable doing that? Why was she comfortable with Drake? And then it dawned on me, was this his ex?

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