44. Adrian Brown

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"You going to the Banks Awards?" Johnny asked as we sat beside one another in the locker room, we had just wrapped up what felt like an extra long practice. I nodded, "yeah, you?" He nodded as well. "You bringing Jae?" He questioned as I shrugged, "I plan to, I haven't mentioned it to her yet."

"You know Adrienne gon' for sure be there, I know she been making shit rocky for y'all with you two all in the media looking like you're together." He spoke. I didn't say anything, this would be a prime time for her and Jae to meet which I felt was needed.

"Yeah. I would expect her to be there." I let out as I changed shirts. "Alright, I was just letting you know." Johnny addressed, he stood up after he finished changing reaching his hand out to dap me up. We said our goodbyes as I finished changing and made my way home.

I walked into an empty living room and kitchen, knowing Jae was working. I walked into the room that we had turned into her office space as she sat in front of the computer, a whole bunch of code on it that I couldn't understand. She turned around upon hearing me walk in, smile on her face. "Hey babe." She spoke as I neared her and placed a kiss on her lips before falling into the sofa that was in there. "How your day going?" I asked as she shrugged, "not too bad honestly. Yours?"

"It's cool." I let out, "the Banks Awards." She looked over at me, waiting for me to continue. "We're going." A small smile was gracing her face, but I could tell she was trying to hide it. I easily smiled, "you not talking yourself out of this, your ass want to go and you know you do. Fuck that limelight shit Jae, you my girl. Mothafuckas gon' know your face."

She rolled her eyes as she looked back at her computer screen, "I don't have anything to wear Adrian." I grabbed my wallet out my bag and grabbed one of my cards as I stood up and dropped it on her desk, "then find something. I know Crystal or Vivi don't mind assisting you, they know all the spots."

"I don't need your money Adrian, you already don't let me pay my half of the bills like we agreed when we moved here." She let out, "I know you don't need my money." I spoke as I leaned closer to her ear, "but I want you to have it. The fuck I look like having you paying bills when I signed a thirty million dollar contract?" I made more than double her salary in a month.

"It doesn't matter, I said I wanted to." She replied, I kissed the side of her face and then headed out the room as I replied, "oh well, and I said I didn't want you to and you not doing that shit as long as you my girl. You can spend your money however you'd like, but it won't be on bills." I turned around seeing the smile on her face as she turned and finished working on her code.

I headed to the room to shower and relax until she finished working. I myself still needed to get an outfit for the show, I sighed at the thought of it as I sent Johnny a quick text asking where to get a quality suit because I knew he had some plugs. He easily sent me a few spots as well as people to ask for, I put it on my to do list to get one before the end of the week seeing as how the Awards show was this weekend.


The weekend came quickly and luckily Jae and I were able to find some outfits in a reasonable time. Jae and I walked into the Banks Awards looking every bit of good. My baby put that shit on, I couldn't help but to steal glances of her, and I couldn't keep my hands to myself. I looked over at her once again before we were making our way to the red carpet. Her dark brown skin had a natural glow to it, she did a light beat, her words, not mine. And her hair had light curls in it, hitting past her shoulders.

We stopped taking a few pictures before making our way inside and heading to our seats. She wore a beautiful hunter green dress that was runched at the side. It fit her lovely easily showcasing her curves. I badly wanted to bend her over somewhere, anywhere, and fuck the shit out of her. She refused to let me before we left saying we would be late. I didn't give a fuck but she didn't want to miss any performances so I talked my man down but he was easily trying to show face again.

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