47. Jaelyn Brown

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Bliss. That's what I had been feeling since the engagement a little over a month ago, pure bliss. And I'd been basking in it. Adrian and I had finally made a trip back home on a free weekend he got, and I couldn't have been happier, I missed home so much. LA was so different from my little town.

I opened the car door of the rental and I stepped out and smiled. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "Home." I breathed out with a smile, I could hear Adrian chuckle as I turned around and looked at him as he was shaking his head.

"What's funny?" I asked as he popped the trunk to get our bags. "Your dramatic ass." He responded with a smile. "I miss home. You dragged me to LA and I feel like it's been soooo long since we've been here."

He grabbed the bags out the trunk, "Jae, it's been a few months." I headed to the trunk to grab the lightest bag, "which is a long time to be away from the only place you ever knew, and plus it feels way longer than that." He nodded in understanding. We headed up to our hotel room, we would only be here until tomorrow afternoon, then we would take the two hour drive to visit his parents. His brother, Aaron, had decided to follow in his footsteps and went to school here, so he would get up with him today or tomorrow before we left.

We got settled into the hotel room as I plopped on the bed. "I'm tired." I let out as he set the bags against the wall, "you always tired." He responded as I looked at him, I had been saying that a bit I guess but I didn't care for his comment. "Shut up!" I said as I turned to my side to face him. He looked at me with a look, a look I couldn't read. "What Adrian?"

"You are always tired, random smells make you sick to your stomach." He raised an eyebrow, I rolled my eyes knowing what he was getting out. "No, I'm not." He was now grabbing his ringing phone, easily cutting the conversation short which I was thankful for.

He took the call as I rested my eyes, what I thought would be a second of resting my eyes turned into thirty minutes as Adrian shook me awake. "Drake here, I know you and Tessie planned to meet up in about an hour so I ain't want to leave without waking you. The keys to the rental by the TV."

I leaned up, "thank you. That dang jet lag." I let out he smiled, "yeah okay. I love you baby." He leaned down, placing a kiss on my lips, "I love you too." I let out as I got up to get myself together to meet Tessie.

An hour later I was pulling up Tessie's Treats, it'd only been a few months but some other shops had already started to pop up around. I would have to check them out. I walked into her shop, nausea hitting me hard from the strong smell of vanilla. I made a face but quickly changed it as Tessie walked out from the back. I had seen her at the engagement party and her stomach was nowhere in sight, now she had a baby bump and I was obsessed as my eyes easily shifted to it.

We ran up to one another hugging. "Look at my baby growing." I let out as I rubbed her stomach. She smiled, "I know. I'm starting to show, it's for real now." She let out as she put her hand under her small baby bump, lowkey posing for me.

"But I'm almost finish with this order, I accepted a last minute party order cause they said they would pay double, and I wasn't turning that down." She let out as she pointed towards the back. I smiled, "I know that's right. I wouldn't either." She took a seat and encouraged me to as well, I sat across from her as the nausea that subsided with my excitement to see her for a minute came back.

"What's wrong?" She asked with a look of concern. I shook my head, "this vanilla smell is just strong as hell, it's turning my stomach." She tilted her head to the side, "Jaelyn" I closed my eyes trying to imagine another smell before looking back at her, "yes?" I answered. "Are you pregnant?" She questioned with an amused look on her face.

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