11. Adrian Brown

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Jaelyn and I sat beside each other at my dining room table both in our own worlds as we did our respective parts of the PowerPoint, truth be told we could have done this separately. But it was safe to say we both enjoyed one another's company.  I was fortunate that my parents agreed to pay for me to have my own spot where I didn't have to have any roommates so no distractions arised. "I'm finished with my part." She let out, I was typing up my last sentence, "yeah, I'm about to be too." I responded, not taking my eyes off the computer screen.

Her text tone went off as she grabbed her phone to text. I looked over the full PowerPoint as she texted on her phone, shit looked good to me and I was happy to finally be done with this shit. I would miss the meet ups with her, but I was hoping it would be something we continued. "Alright, everything looks good." I disclosed as she locked her phone and looked at me. She clicked on her computer, looking through my parts. I knew she was, she nodded in agreement once she finished. "We're officially done." She let out as she sat back in the chair. "Ready to submit?" I nodded, "hell yeah." We both submitted through our Canvas and then closed our laptops.

"Have a drink with me, we're finally done." I let out as I pushed back from my chair. She stood up as well, stretching. "Mmm, I almost thought you were too good to drink Mr. Perfect. You didn't drink at the kickback." I turned and looked at her as I grabbed a bottle of Reposado from my cabinet. "Stop calling me that shit and that's because I don't drink that often." I let out as I turned back around to grab two glasses. I sat them down as I went to the refrigerator to grab a mixer for her, "cranberry juice straight?" She shrugged, "just straight is straight too." I smiled, "say less." I closed the refrigerator as I picked up the cups putting some ice in them and then sat them back down. "Pour your own troubles." I demanded as she leaned against the island. She rolled her eyes and smiled as she leaned up. She wore a hoodie and some leggings, matching the fall weather that was coming in fast. I poured my drink and then handed her the bottle. Once she poured hers we cheered to being done. We both took a seat in the chairs that sat in front of the island.

"This is smooth." She beamed after tasting it. "I know, this shit all I buy now." She looked over at the bottle again, saying the name. "I might have to fuck with it."  It was like that, she definitely should fuck with it. Her text tone went off, twice. She had her phone in between us so my eyes easily went to it seeing a text from Gunna and Daquan. "Okay, playa, playa." I let out. She rolled her eyes, "not even. Gunna, nothing there. Done with that. Daquan, it's just light conversation. You on the other hand, what's really tea with you and Samoa? Shit, wait. Let's talk about you and Shay." I laughed, "ain't shit with Shay, she putting it out there. But I already know she got a man and I told you, I don't deal with other niggas girl."

"And if she leaves her man for you?" Jae asked, I took a sip of my drink, "as her friend, you shouldn't let her do no stupid shit like that. I'm not feeling her like that. I'm a flirt, I'll flirt with her all day, but nah." I shook my head. "And why not?" She asked, her focus on me hard. I thought about how I wanted to word what I was about to say, after all this was her friend and I hoped she would go back and tell her this shit. "My attention is elsewhere." I let out as she nodded, "Okay, well on to Samoa." She let out as I laughed, "I told you, we're friends."

"With benefits right?" She questioned as she took another sip of her drink. I took a sip of mine as well as I shrugged with a smile. "I know y'all fucking." She professed causing me to laugh. "Alright Jae. If you say so." She nodded, "I do, she's the only girl you deal with?" That question I answered, I nodded, "I'm a one woman man. Relationship or just fucking, I value my peace and my sexual health. I'm still very much single, but yeah, I value that shit."

"I respect that." She smiled, "I don't hear that too often. So you flirt with everybody and they mama, but only willing to fuck one person at a time?" She asked for clarification. I laughed, "Yes, typically." She tilted her head, "typically?" I licked my lips, "yeah, I mean sometimes shit happens. But I try to keep my dick in my pants, only blessing one person for a time period." She shook her head with a smile, "so full of yourself." I flirted with a lazy smile,  "You could be full of me if you wanted."

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