46. Adrian Brown

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I shook off my nerves as I looked at myself in the mirror. The day had finally came, I was going to propose to Jaelyn. I wore a long sleeve black dress shirt and tailored black dress pants. I had on a simple gold chain and grabbed my Versace cologne to spray on. Jae was finishing up getting dressed, thinking we were heading to Vivi's surprise party when in reality we were headed to our engagement party.

I was nervous as hell and I didn't even know why. I knew she would say yes and I knew I was ready to commit to her, but my nerves weren't taking the hint. She walked out in the dark red dress that I had brought her for the occasion, and she looked damn good. "Why are you staring at me like that?" She asked with a smile; she knew damn well why I was looking at her like that.

"Matter of fact, I know why." She started, reminding herself of how well she knew me. "Get it out of your head. We don't have time for that." She spoke, "we are already twenty minutes behind schedule." I shrugged and smiled, "and what's twenty more?" I asked as I neared her, she easily maneuvered away from me as she laughed shaking her finger at me. "No Adrian, stop! We need to get out of here. We have to be in there before they get there, or it'll ruin the surprise. Luckily I know Vivi ass take even longer than me to get dressed." I rolled my eyes as she went to the closet to grab the shoes she would be wearing.

I checked my phone, thankful we were running behind because Shawn's flight got delayed and he was just now heading to the venue fresh off his flight.

"You ready?" She asked five minutes later as she headed out the room with her purse and shoes in hand. "I'll put the shoes on in the car. These shoes hurt my feet bad as hell."

"Then choose some more comfortable shoes." I let out, not moving from where I was standing. "No, these shoes go so well with this dress. I'll take a little pain. I'll just be sitting looking cute most of the night." I shook my head, "no Jae, get some shoes that are more comfortable. I'm trying to dance with you all night."

She rolled her eyes as she put a hand on her hip, "Adrian, you dance for two songs max and then be ready to go. Be forreal." I couldn't help but laugh, I didn't have a rebuttal for that and I couldn't push without giving it away that it was more than she thought it would be. "Suit yourself, don't say I didn't tell you to change." I let out as I headed towards the door where she stood. She looked at me suspiciously but didn't say anything further as she slid on her crocs. That look was enough for me to shut up before I ruined the surprise my damn self.

I locked up and then we made our way to the car. My nerves kicked into overdrive as my phone kept going off. I knew I looked suspect as hell by keeping it in my lap face down, luckily I always kept it on silent so I had that going for me. But the last thing I needed her to see was Tessie texting me. I turned up the music as I checked my text messages, my mother had texted about how gorgeous the set up was, Tessie let me know everyone was in place, and then there were other random texts. I locked my phone and sat it back down in my lap as Jae put her shoes on, tying them around her calves.

Within fifteen minutes we pulled up to the venue, my heart was damn near beating out of my chest as I got out and opened Jae's door so we could walk hand in hand. "This is a cute little venue." She let out as she took in the outside. I nodded agreeing with her, "it is." She looked around the parking lot, and I was thankful our family and friends didn't live here, and that the friends we had here changed cars like they changed clothes.

"Did you make sure they aren't here yet?" She asked, "since we're running late." I nodded, "yeah I texted Johnny in the car, he said they are on the way now. We're good." We stepped inside and walked towards the main area, I squeezed her hand tighter as she looked over at me with a smile, "you good babe?" I nodded, "better than ever." She looked down at our hands as I easily loosened my grip, I was about to give myself away. She laughed as I opened the door for her. I hadn't got the chance to come by and look at the venue but I trusted the team I hired to set it up how I envisioned it, and that they did.

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