23. Jaelyn Brentwood

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"Okay? And what's the issue?" Tessie asked as we got ready in her room. I went over my hair one last time with the flat iron to make sure it was bone straight before cutting it off and looking at her. I tilted my head to the side as I thought about it, "I guess there technically isn't one, but I feel like this just makes shit weird." I had just let Tessies know how at the game Adrian saw me with Bryce and how I basically saw him introducing Samoa to his family. Tessie moved her head back in forth in a yes but no manner, "you two agree that you are both single and only fucking, you let it be known you would deal with others and though he didn't say he would, he technically has the same right." She started, "so what, you saw him introducing the last girl he dealt with to his family, which you already knew he would be meeting her family. You said he told you that in advance, so it really shouldn't be surprising."

"He said he was meeting her family, not that they were meeting each other's. That's very different." I let out as I crossed my arms. She nodded, "I mean yeah it is, but either way it's not supposed to matter to you." I looked at her like she was crazy, "and why not?" She smiled as she lotioned her arm, "because he is not your man to take claim to. I told you this wasn't going to be good for you. You're in your feelings over a man you're not supposed to have feelings for. You were out there with another man and still checking for Adrian." I rolled my eyes as I sprayed on some perfume. "He was checking for me too." I let out.

She laughed, "then if that's the case, why don't y'all just stop claiming it's just sex, and at least enter the exclusively talking stage. Because your ass can't handle it." I was offended, "I can handle it, I'm doing just fine. But don't tell me one thing and do another." Tessie rolled her eyes as she pursed her lips, "I hear you. Fuck Adrian, and fuck thinking about him. It's time to get loose as a goose tonight." That I could get down with.

We headed to her kitchen, took a few shots, threw on our shoes and called an Uber. There were plenty of parties taking place tonight, so we decided to hit a few house parties first. We walked up to one where a lot of people were standing outside, "what, they at capacity or something?" Tessie asked one of the people standing outside. The dude shook his head no, "it's hot as shit in there though." We headed towards the door making our way inside and he wasn't lying, it was hot as hell. I quickly grabbed Tessie, "fuck no, we gotta go. Imma be pissed if my leave out reverts back cause of this shit." She laughed but was fine to leave too. My hair was heat trained because I was a straight natural and often wore sew-ins, but I was still natural at the end of the day.

We walked out as plenty of people were talking amongst themselves, it was just as many people outside as there were inside. The fall weather was hitting so it was chilly but it wasn't too cold. I heard my name being called so Tessie and I both looked in the direction in which it was being called and it was none other than Bryce, I smiled as I told Tessie who it was. "Oh, he's a cutie." Bryce was brown skin with a short cut, he was around six foot even and had a pretty ass smile due to years of braces as he said. We headed towards him, as if I hadn't just spent the last half of the game with him. My family had left early, always wanting to beat the crowd but I didn't want to go yet and since we had been texting the whole time he told me to just come chill with him, and I did; and then I also happened to meet some of his family which I wasn't prepared for, but shit was cool.

He stood with his boys as they took Tessie and I in, Tessie was a beauty, she was the same complexion as me and typically wore her hair in its natural state and she had beautiful shoulder length curls but right now she wore her hair in knotless box braids that went to her waist. Tessie took in his friends as well, giving a friendly smile but I could tell she wouldn't be interested in any of them. Tessie could be very picky, and I think it has everything to do with her discernment. A gift and curse for her, it's like she can read people. Though she wouldn't be interested in any of them on more than a friend level, she was friendly. So we stood talking with them for a minute as we discussed next moves. "Aye, ain't that the nigga that play for State, supposed to be a top draft pick this year?" Corey, one of his friends questioned with his eyes behind us. Everyone turned to look as Adrian was walking up looking every bit of good. It was like his presence demanded attention as all eyes were on him and the guy he was with, I had never seen him but he resembled Adrian, I questioned if it was his brother but he looked older than seventeen.

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