10. Jaelyn Brentwood

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I sat in the bleachers in between Shay and Tessie as we watched the game, it was close as shit and it was a full house tonight. I didn't know if this was normal, or just for this game since both teams were undefeated. The game was currently tied and the ball was in our possession. I didn't think I would be so into the game but I watched with intensity as it seemed everyone else did too.

We were at fourth and goal, and we were literally inches from the end zone , so damn close to making the touchdown with only one minute left in the game. We needed to get this touchdown if we wanted to win the game and not go into overtime. I thought the safest option would have been to punt the ball, there wasn't that much time left to where I felt the other team would have had time to get a touchdown, but I wasn't the coach. I didn't know what he was thinking. I watched as Adrian ran the ball over the line, barely making it as he was tackled, but his arms were damn sure in the endzone holding on to that ball.

The crowd went crazy including myself as I jumped up, screaming! Coming to this game made me realize how much I missed football. The next minute ran by slow but the other team wasn't able to score, our defense did what needed to be done. The crowd slowly started to disperse as the game ended.

I spotted Daquan as he was saying hey to people, he stopped at Samoa as they stood and talked. I had been texting him some, but not too much. I did let him know I would be coming to the game and we agreed to meet up after. Tessie, Shay, and I headed towards him, he spotted me and smiled as Samoa turned to see who he was smiling at.

Once I was by them I introduced my friends as they introduced themselves, "what y'all doing after this?" Daquan asked, the three of us looked at one another as we simultaneously shook her heads to say nothing. "Shit, let's link then." He smiled out, "my nigga having a kickback y'all should slide through." I was down for that, I looked to Tessie and Shay who shrugged, letting it be known they were cool with that. My attention shifted as did everyone else's as commotion seemed to be going on. Daquan quickly turned around waving it off. "It's just Adrian."

Tessie and I were confused, "what you mean? Causing all that commotion?" Shay rolled her eyes, "as you can tell, she never comes to the games." I looked at Shay waiting for her to explain as Samoa laughed. Daquan smiled as he explained, "it happens after every game when he comes out. People really be coming out here just to try and meet that nigga." Shay smiled as she spoke, "they're just preparing for his true fame." That shit was wild to me, I didn't know he was getting love like that. I knew he got it on social media, but girls got that shit just for being cute on social media too.

"It's clearing quicker tonight." Samoa let as she looked over where he was at. I shifted my attention back over there as I could see the crowd dispersing some, allowing me to actually see Adrian as he took a picture with someone. I watched as he tried to exit the crowd as he gave a wave and smiled as he politely refused any more photos, but quickly caved as an older woman pulled him to smile in her selfie. I was surprised with how much he was being treated like some sort of celebrity. It was college football, it wasn't that deep, well at least not to me.

Adrian spotted us and quickly made his way over. He let out a deep breath once he settled into the comfort of people he knew.  Samoa smiled as she looked up at him, "good game babe." She let out as Shay looked at me with a 'what the fuck' face. I just widened my eyes with a closed mouth smile, it didn't even cross my mind to mention Samoa to Shay. "Thank you." He responded as his eyes then went to Tessie and Shay, "Hey Tessie, Hey Shay." They both spoke back with smiles as I looked around and felt myself to make sure I wasn't invisible. "Do y'all see me?" I asked with my eyes going to everyone but Adrian, he laughed. "What's up Jae? I'm happy you came." I looked at him with an eye roll, "don't acknowledge me now." A smile still played on his face, "you didn't even give me time."  I smiled as I responded, "yeah okay, good game."

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