7. Jaelyn Brentwood

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I sat across from Adrian inside Chick-fil-a as we discussed football, I could tell he was surprised by how much I knew. My dad was a football coach, he taught me everything he knew. I'd watch film with him, he talked me through plays and why one was better than another, and at times I would even play with him and my cousin. He was the reason my cousin, Shawn, was breaking niggas ankles in Texas now and a potential draft pick as well this year. My dad was everything to me, I typically didn't even like to talk about football since he died last year, the shit still felt recent - and it was; and I often indulged in more partying and drinking to numb the pain at times. So I don't know what possessed me to bring up that I knew football to Adrian, but it gave me a feel good sensation I didn't think it would.

He smiled wide, his dimples deep enough to fit something in them. "You're intriguing Jaelyn." He admitted as he picked up his cup to take a sip of his drink, never taking his eyes off of me. I couldn't help the smile that had pretty much been on my face the whole time. I was enjoying this time with him, or moreso the time we spent talking about football and life. "How do you know all of this?" He asked. I let out a deep sigh, my eyes going to the window behind him.

The thought of my dad both put a smile on my face and made me emotional; and the last thing I was trying to do was get emotional in front of Adrian. "My dad, he used to coach." I let out leaving it at that. "Used to? What does he do now?" He asked, I looked in his eyes, "he died" I admitted as I quickly avoided his gaze, bringing my eyes to my phone sitting on the table. "Damn, I'm sorry." He let out, "when did he die?"

I really didn't want to have this conversation, I felt my emotions rising up but I still answered the question, I looked at the time and date on my phone quickly realizing the anniversary of his death was coming. "Shit," I let out, "next week will be a year." I hadn't cried about him in a while, and I felt it coming. I cleared my throat. "Excuse me." I let out as I quickly walked to the bathroom, pissed with myself for not being able to hold it down as I let out a gut wrenching cry once I made it into the bathroom.

I missed my dad something serious, it felt like it was just yesterday when he died. I didn't know when it would stop hurting so bad. I didn't know when I would be able to think about him and smile at his memory instead of break down. I hated that this shit was happening right now. I let it out and then quickly splashed my face and took a paper towel to dry it. My eyes were slightly puffy but not horrible, it was obvious that I cried though and I hated it. "Shit." I let out as I threw the paper towel away and made my way out the bathroom.

Adrian stood against the wall across from the bathroom, causing me to catch eyes with him as soon as I walked out. He zoned in on me, "c'mere." He let out as chills ran through my body. "Adrian, I'm fine." He leaned up off the wall as he neared me pulling me into him, and the moment he did it I couldn't help the tears that fell again. He held me tight, he felt safe, yet I still felt embarrassed. There weren't many people at the university that knew about my father's death because it affected me like this. I didn't like talking about it. I pulled away from him, quickly wiping my eyes. "I'm sorry." I let out. "For what?" He asked me like I was crazy. "For feeling? Let that shit out, it ain't easy losing someone, especially a parent. I couldn't imagine that shit. Aye," he placed his fingers on my chin lifting my head to look at him, "that ain't nothing to feel sorry or embarrassed about." I nodded like a child getting scolded, as it seemed like every nerve in my body responded to his touch.

His eyes dipped down to my mouth before slowly making their way back to my eyes. He dropped his hand from my chin, "come on, you ready to head out?" I nodded, of course I was. I was embarrassed, at this moment I hated that I rode with him instead of driving myself.

He grabbed my hand as chills shot through my body once again, he led us out the restaurant, opening the car door for me before heading to his side. One thing I could say was that he was a gentleman through and through. I immediately looked out the passenger window once we pulled off. "Are you going to the game next Friday?" He asked as he drove, I could tell he was trying to change the dreary energy that was taking over. The game next Friday was supposed to be a good one, our team was undefeated and so was theirs. I shrugged, "I don't know the last time I went to a game. Probably not." I answered honestly. "You should come, I want you to come." He let out, "I'm sure your ass can give me some pointers after watching me play since you know so much and shit." I could hear the smile in his voice. I looked over at him finally, "please, not Mr. Perfect, willing to take advice from the party girl." He laughed as he looked at me, "there go my girl," no reason my body should have reacted to him saying that, but it did. "And I don't act like I'm perfect, stop that shit; and I told you, keep giving me reasons to stop sleeping on you and I will. And today you did that with football."

"Just football?" I asked, he knew damn well I wrote the fuck out of that paper. He laughed, "alright, you put in work academically too." I rolled my eyes, "such a damn hater. Just admit I'm like that." He shook his head, "nah, see you getting cocky with it." I laughed, "and you've been cocky with it." He was pulling up on campus, "I'm confident, and know my strengths. It's different." He let out, "where you park at?" He asked as I guided him to my car. In no time he pulled his big Benz up close to my Honda Accord, "aye, watch Shirely now." He laughed, "I know damn well you didn't name your car Shirley." I nodded, "I sure did. Shirley's are dependable." He shook his head as he parked and unlocked his car door. I grabbed my bag as he spoke, "I fuck with you Jaelyn, you cool as shit."

I smiled, "I know." He laughed as he shook his head, "and you say I'm cocky." He responded, "I know my strengths." I mocked as the smile on my face stayed put. He nodded, a smile still on his face as my eyes easily went to those dimples, I loved his smile for that reason alone. Yeah he had pretty teeth, but those damn dimples. "You have such a nice smile." I admitted, "I know." He responded, smiling even wider causing me to laugh. "Boy, fuck you."

"Don't tempt me with a good time now." He spoke lowly as his eyes dragged over my body. I rolled my eyes, lowkey blushing. Thankful for the rich melanin of my skin hiding it. "Adrian, you wouldn't know what to do with this if I dropped it in your lap." I found myself flirting back. He licked his lips as he leaned closer towards me, resting his arm on the center console. "Jae," a smile playing on his face. "Stop playing with me." His eyes dragged over me again before landing and connecting with my eyes.

His stare was ... hungry. This went from friendly to extremely flirty real quick. "I'm not." I let out in a whisper as my eyes lingered on his. He brought his fingers to my chin pulling my face dangerously close to his, causing my eyes to dip down to his thick, juicy lips, my mind wondering what else was thick about him. "Then drop it in my lap." He demanded. I thought I could play this game with him, but he fucking won. I pulled away as I smiled, "cute, real cute." I let out. He leaned back in his seat as I pulled my keys out of my bag finally. "I'll see you Sunday?" I questioned, he nodded, his eyes on me with a silly smile. "We can just finish the project at my place, if that's fine with you. I really try to stay away from campus on the weekend," he said. I nodded, fine with that. "Okay, I'll see you Sunday."

He made sure I got in my car safely before pulling off, but I needed a moment to gather myself before pulling off because why the fuck was I flirting with that man like that?

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