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017| an ultimatum

RENEE WATCHED AS STUDENTS OF KOOK ACADEMY FILTERED OUT, a blunt between her lips as she leant against the side of a jeep which she had hooked up with the owner of too many times not to knows who it was. Her name practically being etched in the back middle seat.

They watched her, called her names under their breath as she waited for him. Pogue princess being the majority of them, John B's name appearing every so often — it was the talk of the island, how he was arrested and how he and the pogues (her included) went on the run trying to save him.

If she were honest, she did not care anymore. About what people had to say about her: even her friends, even JJ. Was she reeling from everything that had gone down in the last week or two? Most likely, but she was just going to let it happen. What's the worst that was going to happen...really?

She could see him, stood on one the steps talking with his friends. People who come upon a time she'd talk with, most likely slung under Fletcher's arm laughing at the jokes his friends made despite if they weren't funny at all . Oh god how she used to be a people pleaser.

 Oh god how she used to be a people pleaser

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CONTACT: fletch

their jokes can't really be that funny

She waited momentarily as Fletcher flickered his gaze from his friends to his phone. Turning his head clocking the blonde who rose one hand and began twiddling her fingers with a small smile.

He must have dismissed himself from group, half hugs were shared as he quickened his pace to his car. Half happy to see the girl but the other half concerned, not having seen her in days.

" uh, hey." he said, a nervous smile creeping onto his lips as Renee's Cheshire Cat smile grew more.

" hi." she said, lifting the blunt back up to her lips. Fletcher taking notice of it, eyebrows furrowing.

" what are you doing?" Fletcher sounded concerned, as Renee rolled her eyes " never had fun before Fletch, you too upright for it?" she joked, as the brunette rolled his eyes.

Using his fingers to take the blunt from between her lips as he dropped it to the ground and smooshed it under his foot. Renee widening her eyes as he shrugged his shoulders " oops." he said.

" you ass, that was my last one." she shoved him slightly, forcing some laughter out of his lips as she huffed. Both of them soon noticing the lingered eyes as Renee became all the more uncomfortable.

" wanna get out of here?" he asked " hungry? Thirsty?" he continued, opening the passenger side door for the blonde who nodded.

" both." she replied, earning a smile from Fletcher.

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