Chapter 8

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"The wedding will be on Thursday next week"

Aditya's mother excitedly told them as she squeezed Inaya's hand. Inaya looked up at his mother and gave her a soft smile. She and kalpana aunty had come to the Singhania mansion for finalizing the wedding date.

After inaya had come barging into his cabin crying, Aditya had immediately sent a group of bouncers to the orphanage with a prior court notice for Giridhar Kapoor.

In the next four days the trial started and Aditya got injunction orders on the demolition of the orphanage.

Since that day inaya and he had no conversation except for the marriage. When she told everyone at the orphanage about her marriage, they had all danced happily and the elders had cried tears of joy.

The happiest amongst them all was Sanya. She kept saying about how correct she was about the both of them. Nobody knew a thing about Aditya's condition and their arrangement for the marriage, nor did she plan on telling them anything.


Thursday, 30th July

The udaipur palace was beautiful decorated with red flowers for the wedding. The guests were arriving as aditya's parents received them at the hall.

Aditya was in his room all ready in a cream coloured sherwani while his friends sat there drinking wine.

"You're really doing this man."Karan aditya's best friend said while sipping the drink form his glass. It came as a shock to them that their friend finally agreed to get married. Aditya never indulged himself in taking about any girl. Even if somebody asked him he rather just stayed quiet.

"I am" he spoke while adjusting his watch.

Just then his father came in calling for him. It was time for them to tie the knot.


Looking in the mirror inaya saw her reflection. She looked absolutely beautiful, her red lehenga was highlighting her complexion, while her arms were painted in dark brown henna. Heavy jewelry adorned her head and neck while her hands were filled with red bangles.

Her face glowing with the light makeup  she had put on enhancing her beauty. A small bindi in the centre of her forehead and her ears had big heavy jhumkas.

Sanya entered wearing her pink lehenga and held Inaya's shoulder, bending down to look in the mirror.

"You look so beautiful today didi. Come on now they are calling you."

Inaya walked down the aisle with Mr Mehta. Aditya looked up and saw Inaya walking so elegantly towards the mandap.

She sat down beside him as the rituals started. After three long hours the rituals ended as they were pronounced as husband and wife.

Aditya's grandparents were the happiest and cried while looking at their grandson finally getting married. After the reception party at night it was time for the guests to leave.

Aditya excused himself as his mother took inaya with her. Already it was 1 pm and everybody had slept. While walking towards aditya's room his mother showed her everything in the way telling her about their palace.

It was their family's prestige and Inaya looked around awestrucked by the beauty of the huge palace. The interior was just how it used to be in old time with certain western touches. Reaching Aditya's room his mother said.

"You should rest now. I'll see you in the morning. Good night beta."

She kissed her forehead and went away. Inaya opened the door to his bedroom. It was not a bedroom but a small sitting room which then led to the bedroom. The bed was covered with curtains and decorated with rose petals. Looking at that she felt a little awkward but soon went inside the closet.

Waking inside she first decided to change her clothes but before that she had to remove the jewelry.

Sitting in front of the huge mirror she started removing the jewels one by one when a knock was heard from the door. Looking up she saw Aditya at the door as he walked in taking off his heavy sherwani and sitting on the bedroom couch with a thud.

She looked at him for a moment before proceeding back to combing her hair. Aditya opened his eyes and saw her, after a while he stood up and went to the bathroom to change.

Inaya heard the sound of shower from the bathroom, so she decided to change in the mean time. Getting out from her heavy lehenga she wrapped a bathrobe around her and waited for Aditya to come out.

She sat their wating and after a few minutes he came out. She looked up and saw him in his sweatpants and a black vest. Now that she saw him clearly, she saw that he had a broad chest, his muscles flexed as he dried his hair. His abs looked quite prominent from his vest as she instantly felt her cheeks heating up. Moving her gaze towards his face she could see that in the past week he had grown his stubble which actually looked good on him. Damn her husband was hot!

Aditya cleared his throat and she instantly stood up. She looked towards the bathroom door and sprinted inside without giving him another look.

"What the hell Inaya. Kya kar rahi thi!!!!" She cursed herself in her head. Steadying her heartbeat she preceded to take a shower.

She came out wearing a light pink cotton suit and saw Aditya was already in bed but was working on his laptop. The rose petals were already removed from the bed.

She thanked God in her head and awkwardly moved towards the bed and sat on the extreme corner.

"We have to go back tomorrow" he said as she looked at him being confused. Tomorrow? Their fight was scheduled for next week. She thought.


"Yeah, the court opens day after and I have three cases in the hight court. We have to leave. The flight is early in the morning. You should sleep."

She looked at him for a moment before thinking if she should sleep on the couch or on the bed.

"You can sleep here. I'll take the couch." Aditya said but she instantly denied.

"NO......I mean we can share the bed...only if you feel comfortable." He looked at her for a moment before nodding.

"I still have work to do. You can sleep." She took off her dupatta and laid down on the bed covering herself with the comforter and tried to sleep. But whose gonna tell him that she can't sleep when the light is on. She likes to sleep in the dark. 

Aditya looked at her from time to time as she kept twisting and turning around the bed since the last one hour. Finally deciding to turn of the light for her sake he switched off his laptop and laid down.

Inaya took a breath of relief as he finally decided to switch off the light. Now she could sleep without and disturbance. Pulling the comforter up she covered herself till her head and drifted off to sleep.

Aditya sighed as his back touched the soft mattress. He looked at her for a moment before closing his eyes. He knew once they go back he would not be able to give her time, and the thought of her feeling lonely didn't sit right with him. This was the reason he did not want to get married. But looking at Inaya he felt even bad because she would have high expectations form him but his job requires him spend most of his time working. Also he manages his father's company, his brother had zero knowledge about buisness and was happy being away from the family business. Aditya had so many responsibilities on his shoulders that it would be impossible for him to spend more than an hour with her.

Deciding not to think about theses things he turned around and faced the window. It was about to rain. He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.


Not very sure about this one, but here it is.

Happy reading.

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