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"Okay, what we need to do is issue a joint statement apologizing for your actions and get our lawyers to start working on an annulment asap," Reeva said pacing up and down while the other three looked on.

She stopped and looked at them for their thoughts, Ronobir nodded lazily his eyes glazing over while Mishti just looked at her in shock.

"Hang on a minute Reeva your little solution here only benefits your client without any consideration toward mine," Pari argued.

"Fine Pari, what do you suggest?" Reeva asked raising her eyebrows.

"Well..." She started, madly wracking her brain for an alternative solution.

"I knew it; you don't have another solution because there is none."

"Before you rudely interrupted me I did have an idea." She objected. Mishti and Ronobir looked back and forth watching their publicists spar like they were at a tennis match.

"Oh really, well enlighten us then?"

"How about they just stay married?" Pari suggested looking directly at Mishti for her reaction.

"We what now?" Ronobir asked the comment breaking him out of his daze.

"You can't be serious?" Reeva said shaking her head.

"Yeah, as much as I love you Pari I'm not sure where you're going with this," Mishti added.

"Just hear me out." She said rubbing her hands together in contemplation. "We tell the media you have been secretly seeing each other for a while and even though this wasn't your first choice of a wedding you'd discussed marrying at some point anyway."

"This is just pure lunacy!" Ronobir yelled unable to believe what he was hearing. "Are you committing me to a life-long arranged marriage purely for the sake of our reputations?"

"Yeah it is pretty far-fetched Pari, not to mention the media would see straight through that." Reeva scoffed.

"Look the paps already know last night wasn't real, it was fairly evident to everyone they were both drunk and not in control of their actions but if we can build a back story that they were already together then it at least saves some face."

"Pari as much as I know you are trying to salvage my reputation this just would never work," Mishti said sadly. "Look I made a stupid mistake last night and am prepared to accept the consequences whatever they might be."

"So what exactly would this fake marriage entail?" Reeva asked suddenly interested. Ronobir shot his head up not quite believing she was buying into this farce.

"Well unlike Ronobir was inferring it wouldn't be long-term but just enough time so they can both repair their reputations. Then we'll announce their decision to divorce after that time."

"Let me guess, irreconcilable differences?" Ronobir sneered, the idea not sitting well with him at all. They heard a knock on the door briefly interrupting their increasingly heated argument.

"If that is someone claiming to be room service again," Mishti muttered her stomach rumbling loudly.

"I'll go," Reeva said. "I think I have an idea who it might be, I made a call earlier."

"You didn't?" Ronobir asked realizing who was most probably on the other side of the door.

"Let me in right now!" A loud male voice yelled impatiently.

"Well I had to tell Ronobir, you were ignoring his calls and he is your manager after all," Reeva said rolling her eyes at his immaturity. She opened the door tentatively. A handsome male walked through the door making individual contact with everyone gathered in the room.

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