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7 June, New York

"Surprise!" Ronobir stepped back in fright almost falling over in the process. As the lights flickered on he adjusted his eyes taking in the sight before him. The room was decorated festively with black and white touches. Guests emerged from behind pieces of furniture dotted throughout the room with broad grins on their faces.

Ronobir felt his stomach sink, he couldn't think of a worse way to celebrate his birthday. The actor in him plastered on a fake smile and thanked everyone for their wishes wanting to be anywhere but there.

28 May (ten days earlier), Mumbai

"Mishti has a video shoot scheduled in New York next week so I've organized for you to do those publicity shots for your new movie while you're there. Then you'll both travel down to Manali from New York." Reeva said consulting her notes and looking up when she heard a loud zapping noise from the television.

"Gotcha!" Ronobir shouted as an alien exploded into dust only to be replaced with another.

"Ronny, are you listening to me?"

"Of course, I am Reeva you know it isn't just females that can multi-task." He said wishing the alien on screen would hurry up and die so he could move on to the next level. Reeva stood up impatiently and walked over to the television blocking the screen.

"Reeva!" He whined like a child.

"So if you were multi-tasking what did I say?" She demanded hands on hips. Ronobir wracked his brain madly trying to remember exactly what she had been rambling on about but drew a blank.

"Um, you said I am the most handsome guy you've ever met." He said flashing his sexiest grin.

"You could have at least made up something believable," Reeva said rolling her eyes at her client. "You and Mishti, New York, next week. Got it?"

"I've got it." He replied knowing not to mess with his publicist when she was in one of her moods. He was also hoping she would move out of his way so he could resume his game.

"Good boy," Reeva said like she was talking to her pet dog. Ronobir waited a moment noticing she was still obstructing his view. "Now we haven't had a chance to discuss your birthday next week yet."

"What do you mean to discuss my birthday?" He balked. "There's nothing to talk about." Ronobir hated birthdays, especially his own. Every year people felt the need to try and celebrate but every year he spent the day alone, just the way he liked it. He had found that the fewer people who knew his date of birth the better he felt.

"Yes Ronny I know how you feel but I thought given recent events you might want to do something to celebrate." She suggested.

"So in publicist speak what you're telling me is that you need yet another reason to promote my marriage and thought my birthday would be the perfect opportunity." He growled wondering when this would all stop.

"No Ronny of course not." She said sincerely. Reeva had known Ronobir for about five years and had come to think of him like an annoying brother considering she had no siblings of her own. She found it almost sad that someone chose to spend their birthday all alone.

"I'm not about to start acknowledging my birthday now, but nice try Reeva."

"I was thinking more along the lines of a dinner with Mishti, I could recommend some nice restaurants in the city." She smiled sweetly trying to convince him to change his mind.

"What makes you think I'd suddenly want to spend my birthday with someone else, my supposed wife of all people?" He scoffed. Reeva studied his face knowing that it was all bluster for her benefit. She had never seen Ronobir get so worked up over a woman and that usually meant only one thing.

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