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2nd December, Oahu, Hawaii

"So what do you think?" Mishti asked excitedly looking at her sand creation. Ronobir walked around its perimeter studying it carefully. "Well come on Ronny don't keep me in suspense!"

"It's kind of crooked." He said biting his lip and trying not to laugh.

"Oh, it is not." She argued checking it from every angle.

"Ah Yes, it kind of is."

"Well even if it's slightly wonky you helped so that must have been part of your handy work."

"Hey, I was just assisting, and if I do say so myself that selection of shells is magnificent." He said admiring the colorful decoration around the top.

"Yes, there's that ego I love so much again." She muttered.

"Are you saying my sea shells aren't pretty?"

"Fine Ronny yes your shells are pretty but that doesn't change the fact you still have the biggest ego." She scoffed.

"Hey, there's no need to get so huffy with me because you can't build a stable sand castle. I mean we're all good at different things Mishti, maybe this just isn't your thing babe." He said a cheeky smile etched on his face.

"Yes, maybe you're right." She said quietly walking around towards him. "I should probably just stick to singing I suppose."

"That's probably for the best." Before he could react Mishti picked up a full bucket of water and dumped it all over him. He coughed and spluttered as the salty water ran over his face and down his broad chest.

Mishti looked on unable to control her laughter. To be honest she'd never seen someone look that gorgeous soaking wet. To say she had been distracted since he arrived in Hawaii wearing nothing but his swimming shorts would have been an understatement. Ronobir had an incredible body thanks to his strict fitness regime but Mishti wasn't used to having it displayed so publicly.

Since England, she hadn't had the opportunity to see his muscular physique let alone run her hands all over it. She felt herself getting aroused by the memories of their time together and just what she'd do to him if she had the chance. Before she knew it she felt him pick her up and throw her over his shoulder and run towards the water.

"Ronobir put me down!" She squealed.

"No way Mishti you deserve some payback."

"How does a bucket of water compare to an entire ocean?"

"It doesn't babe but you should know by now I always like to go one better." He laughed as he ran through the ankle-deep water and plunged them both into the cool ocean. She felt herself being pulled further under the water by a wave just as two strong arms pulled her back to the safety of the surface.

"Thanks for that Ronobir." She shouted wiping the salt water from her eyes and hitting him on the chest.

"And you thought you were going to be underdressed for our little activity." He chuckled referring to her earlier comments. "Lucky you took that dress off before it was completely soaked."

He had such a tight grasp on her that she could feel her bare skin rubbing up against his. They hadn't been this close for a while and it was unnerving, not to mention the fact that all the memories from their little frolic in the Italian sea were flooding back. She looked at Ronobir noticing his lips curving into a smile, the memories fresh in his mind as well.

She coughed nervously realizing that as much as she wanted to make love to him then and there she wasn't ready, not yet. She regretted how they rushed into things and wanted to do things right this time. They hadn't even been on a real date yet and she wanted the chance to experience those special moments first-hand with him if they were going to give things a chance. She moved away self-consciously scared of what might happen if they remained that close for much longer.

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