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19th November, Mumbai, India

Ronobir was lying on the golden sand, the clear blue waves lapping at his feet. He could see palm trees above him swaying gently in the breeze. He looked around the deserted island feeling completely at peace, he only wished there was something else to complete this perfect picture.

He looked further down the beach his breath hitching in his throat at the sight of her. Mishti was walking towards him her feet ankle-deep in the water. She was wearing a skimpy white bikini her skin glistening in the sunlight, her hair swinging by her sides. Ronobir gulped nervously, impatiently waiting for her to reach him. He felt himself stirring knowing just how close she was to making all his wet dreams come true.

Mishti stopped before him in all her perfection. She looked him over slowly with her eyes sending shivers of anticipation up his spine. She bent down slowly her eyes not leaving his. He leaned over running his hands softly through her hair then moving downward slowly caressing every inch of her creamy skin. She moaned in delight at his touch.

Ronobir pulled her towards him greedily needing to have her lips on his. He closed his eyes feeling her soft lips brushing against him and groaned desperately to have more than just her lips on him. She began peppering kisses over his face and then started to lick him slowly.

"Bruno!" He heard a loud voice calling. He wondered who the hell Bruno was and what he was doing on this deserted island with him and Mishti. "Bruno stop that!" He heard that name again. Her licking became faster not to mention wetter; Ronobir suddenly came to realize that it wasn't Mishti at all but a very excited canine.

He jumped up scaring Bruno in the process. The golden retriever started to bark animatedly thinking it was some sort of a game. He wiped his wet face as Bruno's owner came racing over.

"I'm so sorry." She cried in absolute embarrassment. He noticed a flicker of recognition in her eyes. "Do I know you?" She asked slowly. "I don't think so," Ronobir mumbled standing up quickly and walking off before she realized just who he was. He looked in the distance at Juhu Beach in all its glory remembering just how he'd ended up there. He wiped the residual sand from his shirt and patted down his hair self-consciously. He knew he needed to make a call but wasn't looking forward to it.

He grabbed his phone noticing numerous missed calls and wondering what had happened. He put the phone to his ear waiting for the call to connect. After a few rings, he answered.

"How nice of you to finally call me back." He fumed.

"Armaan I'm not in the mood." He growled rubbing his throbbing head. "Can you just come and pick me up, I'm near Juhu Beach."

"What the hell are you doing there?" He hollered. "No don't tell me. I'm on my way but only because I don't want you making a scene." He disconnected before Ronobir could say anything else. What the hell had come over him this morning? Ronobir shook his head and sat back down on the sand his hangover well and truly setting in.

"Get in." Armaan snarled as he pulled up alongside his disheveled client.

"Nice to see you too Armaan." He muttered making himself comfortable in the passenger seat.

"What have you done Ronny?" Armaan asked almost scared of the answer.

"Well, I got drunk and passed out at the beach dad." He grumbled feeling like he was talking to an angry parent and not his manager.

"Please tell me sleeping with Kusum Ganguly wasn't part of that."

"Uh no, how stupid do you think I am Armaan?"

"Very stupid Ronny considering you were seen leaving the Geofferys together in the same car." He shot back. "It was all captured on camera; BollywoodBubble and Pinkvilla are having a field day with that footage."

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