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26th November, Mumbai, India

"Okay this has gone on far too long people we need to intervene," Pari said in frustration. "This latest debacle was the perfect example of why these two need to be back together."

Pari had been livid with Ronobir and what he'd done to Mishti but given her sister had forgiven him she couldn't be too angry anymore. She realized their strong feelings for each other, not to mention their extreme jealousy, was driving them apart resulting in them doing stupid things, the Kusum Ganguly affair being the prime example.

Pari had to admit she had never seen Mishti as happy as when she was with Ronobir and she was determined to make her friend feel that way again soon, whatever it took.

"You're telling me, I am so sick of seeing Ronobir's pathetic sad face." Armaan moaned.

"I can't believe Ronobir Chatterjee has a sad face." Vaibhav chuckled.

"Ronobir has been moody as well, I've spoken to him a few times this week and he's been a different person each time," Tej said.

"Well Mishti's spacey attitude isn't any better; I had to repeat myself four times the other day," Riddhima complained.

"At least you didn't have to sit through a business meeting with her not answering any of your questions," Sanskar growled. "It makes it a little difficult to get any work done."

"I had to yell at Ronny on the phone so he'd respond," Shanaya said. "Although on second thought that's just normal."

"I sat through an entire lunch with Mishti and she barely picked at her salad; I mean that girl eats like a horse normally." Reeva joked.

"I needed girl advice and Ronobir said he had no idea how to help me, I mean what the hell is going on?" Rishabh asked in disbelief.

"Honestly I have no idea why we're having a zoom call to discuss Mishti and Ronobir," Pratik uttered in confusion.

Pari had called an urgent meeting of the group but given their busy schedules getting them all in the same place at the same time had proven difficult, hence the zoom call.

"Because Pratik we're all very busy people with busy lives, this was the only way." Pari chided.

"Well, maybe you should all concentrate on those busy lives and let Mishti and Ronobir work things out themselves," Pratik said.

"Ah never going to happen that saale sahab they are completely hopeless," Armaan muttered and they could all tell he was rolling his eyes.

"So maybe we could get to the point, you know I have a match in half an hour." Vaibhav sighed impatiently.

"I'm with Vaibhav on this, some of us are big-time celebrities and have places to be." Rishabh joked. "So what are we going to do then?"

"I vote we lock them in a room together and don't give them any food or water until they make up," Shanaya suggested.

"Mmmm I think that might be a little harsh not to mention against the law princess." Riddhima snapped.

"Plus I wouldn't want to be poor Ronobir trapped in there with a hungry Mishti; she may just eat him alive." Sanskar shuddered.

"Okay, there's no denying their reputations have taken a battering of late so how about a little publicity mission to force them together and get them back on track," Tej suggested.

"I do agree with you Tej but for once I'm not interested in their publicity," Pari said and there was a collective gasp from the rest of the group. "Hey, I'm not that obsessed I just think Mishti's happiness should take priority for once."

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