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11 June, Dharamshala Himachal Pradesh

"So how about this rain?" Ronobir said his lame attempt at making conversation. Mishti was at the steering wheel her eyes firmly on the road; she remained silent not bothering to acknowledge his comment.

Ronobir looked out the window at the dark grey clouds and pouring rain thinking how fitting the weather was for their current situation. They had flown into Dharamshala that morning and were driving the five hours to Manali.

After their argument on the roof things had gone from bad to worse. Waking up the morning after and nursing one hell of a hangover Ronobir realized he'd gone too far. He couldn't believe he'd taken out all his issues on poor Mishti.

He'd tried to apologize numerous times but she was unmoved, not that he blamed her. Ronobir had been an absolute idiot.

"Mishti please, I said I was sorry." She didn't respond her attention focused on the drive. Ronobir would go crazy if he had to sit there, the only noise coming from the radio. He leaned across to adjust the dial; if he was going to be stuck in the car he was at least going to have some good music.

"Touch that and you're dead." She snapped looking at him briefly her eyes flashing with anger. Ronobir retracted his arm slowly; scared she might carry out her threat.

"So all I had to do was mess with the radio to get you to talk to me?" He asked hoping this was the start of an actual conversation. Mishti continued to ignore him, taking her sunglasses from her head and placing them on her face putting yet another barrier between them. Ronobir shook his head realizing he's hoped for too much.

"You realize once we reach Manali you'll have to talk to me, Mishti." She cleared her throat and finally spoke.

"Don't worry Ronobir I'll be the perfect wife when everyone is watching. Right now I don't owe you anything, we're not friends remember?"

"Look I was angry and stupid when I said those things not to mention drunk, I didn't mean it." He cried his frustration clear.

"Well, that just makes me feel so much better." She muttered. "Look I'd just like some peace before the circus in Manali begins." She pleaded. Ronobir nodded slightly acknowledging her request, the least he could do was shut up considering how to mean he'd been to her the other night.

Ronobir looked outside, the raindrops streaming down the windscreen partially obscuring his view of the countryside. He breathed in deeply trying to ease his persistent stomach ache. It had begun the morning after his birthday, Ronobir thought it was the result of his hangover but two days on it were still tied up in knots.

He thought back to his earlier conversation with his little brother who had suggested another reason for his aching stomach.

June 9, Kolkata/New York

"You realize you robbed me of a bachelor party don't you?" Rishabh asked as soon as Ronobir connected the call.

"You call that a greeting?" Ronobir smiled thinking how his brother never changed.

"What don't tell me you'd prefer Happy Birthday?" He said knowing full well he wouldn't. "Since our last chat, I realized the downside to this drunken wedding fiasco was the lack of a kick-ass bachelor party."

"Well, when you get married I'll make it up to you." He promised. "So who's the lucky girl this week, Hannah, Jasmine or was it, Sarah?"

"Funny Ronny. Hannah was like months ago, Jasmine lasted a week and Sarah was just clingy." He shuddered for added effect. "I guess that's not something you need to worry about these days."

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