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17th October, Edinburgh, Scotland

"Ronny, are you listening to me?" Rishabh asked waving his hands in front of his brother's face.

"What?" He growled.

"Someone is like a bear with a sore head today." Rishabh chuckled.

"Sorry I didn't get much sleep last night." He said distractedly.

"Oh were you too busy indulging in nocturnal activities with Mishti bhabhi?" Rishabh said using his recently acquired nickname for the singer.

"Not quite." He said curtly thinking about his night in front of the television, watching old movies on the couch while Mishti slept alone in their bed.

Ever since his bachelor party things had been weird between them and sex seemed to be the last thing on either of their minds. It wasn't because he didn't want to sleep with Mishti, he couldn't think of anything he wanted more, but things were so awkward between them, ever since she dropped the big L word.

Ronobir shook his head in frustration trying to dislodge the memories but failing miserably. When she told him that he'd never felt so many conflicting emotions at once. There was the initial elation followed closely by the dread that had built up in his stomach making him feel sick. Surely when someone said that, especially someone you liked, it was supposed to make you feel amazing.

Ronobir knew he liked Mishti, he'd admitted it to Tej so he knew it was true. On the question of love though he wasn't so sure. He had never been in love before, let alone liked someone that much, so what the hell did he know?

It wasn't just his feelings he was struggling with, it was the fear she didn't mean it. It was obvious she was quite drunk not to mention extremely horny when she uttered those words and that's why he'd faltered. After her hasty retreat off the phone, he could have kicked himself for remaining silent. He realized, albeit too late, that he should have acknowledged it somehow.

After they arrived back at their Dublin hotel and Ronobir had tucked his drunkard brother into bed he'd stayed up watching the sun rise in an explosion of pinks and yellows. He had so many thoughts racing through his head that he was unable to sleep. Ronobir knew he liked her a lot but was he ready for that next step? He wasn't sure how to fix the situation between them either. After hours of silent contemplation on the way back to Kolkata Ronobir called Mishti determined to face his feelings once and for all.

What happened next he wasn't expecting at all. Mishti told him how drunk she'd been and that she loved everyone that night. Those words had been like a knife cutting deep into his heart. Ronobir had just started to accept everything and was ready to tackle it head-on, no matter the consequences.

"Don't tell me the honeymoon is already over Ronobir?" Rishabh asked earnestly. The brothers were at Bar Missoni indulging in a much-needed whiskey after they arrived from Kolkata. Riddhima and Mishti were at the hotel spa pampering themselves before dinner.

"Yes you know I think it is." He muttered.

"Well, I really should have known considering you barely spoke to each other on the way here."

"We talked..."

"I don't think one-word answers count as conversation Ronobir." Rishabh rolled his eyes dramatically at his brother. "There isn't something more going on that I should know about is there?"

"No Rishabh nothing is going on." He said irritably.

"Except maybe some intense sexual frustration judging by that attitude." He deduced. "Look maybe it's for the best." Ronobir looked at Rishabh surprised by his comment.

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