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                                                                                      (Y/N-Pooh)- POV


REALLY JONATHAN! Just like that and we are done! I've supported you with this acting career and now when I need you the most you're calling off our engagement. I can't believe you, I gave you everything my time, my body, my emotions, my trust and just like that it's over!

Jonathan came behind you trying to hold you to console you. Y/N you know I love you and you're forcing my hand. You're asking me to choose between the two things I love the most, acting and you. I don't want to choose this baby...!

No Jonathan you don't love me, you love your work! My mom died only a few months ago... did you take off? No, you couldn't pause filming. Here, take it, (you threw your engagement ring at Jonathan) now you're free to go film whenever you want.

(Jonathan picked up the ring) Y/N I didn't want it to end like this. Baby, I'm going to get this bag and come back for you.

(Bri) Mumbling in the distance: Pooh!

Fuck you Jonathan! You popped up abruptly looking to find Bri standing over you.

Bri-  "girl, I told you to stop drinking caffeine at night and pulling these long hours. You still having dreams about Jonny boy?" She starts laughing handing you your robe. You look at your phone for the time, "oh shit, I'm behind." Bri nodding, " yes girl, why do you think I'm in your house? When your driver Wayne called me and said you were not waiting on the steps I knew you were overslept." You jump up and rush to your master shower, "Bri can you please pull an outfit out for me?" Bri sarcastically pokes fun, "Pooh I thought I gave you my two weeks notice as your assistant last year, why haven't you hired a new one?" You jump out the shower, " because Bri you're the best so much so that I contribute 10k to your fundraiser every year. So technically you're still on payroll." Bri flips her hand up as she walks out of your room, "girl bye, and I'll expect double this year." You laugh as you throw your clothes and makeup on.

"Hi Wayne! You know what time we're on" Wayne looks through the rear view mirror and smiles, "of course Ms

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"Hi Wayne! You know what time we're on" Wayne looks through the rear view mirror and smiles, "of course Ms.Y/N" He turns my playlist on, "Bitch better have my money" starts blasting and Wayne floors it to the office.

(Ding...Ding..) you look at your phone to see two messages. 1 is from Bri "Hey girl don't forget I need your donation in by the end of the week. Also this year is super special so please keep your promise and come. There will be some fine men there andddddd this year we are auctioning off a Tesla and a 24 hour date with an anonymous celeb. I don't know who it is myself." You look out the window thinking of a response. "Girl, I'll be there, remember you put it on my calendar before you made me fire you 😑. And I do not want a Tesla. And if it not MJB I don't want the date."

You watch as the bubbles pop up indicating Bri is responding. You move to the next text from the unsaved contact.

"Pooh, please I need to talk to you, I'm in town next week. Please. I miss you . Jonathan"

(Ding...Ding) Bri messages you, " well come for the single men that will be there. Please dust that coochie off. I say that with all love."

Wayne pulls into the parking lot. "Appreciate you Wayne." You run out and into the building.

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