The ex

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Jonathan POV

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Jonathan POV

"I shouldn't be here but I can't get you out of my head y/n. And seeing you the other night only intensified my thoughts." I looked away knowing that y/n probably wanted to kill me. She had such a glow on her tonight that was particularly different. "Come in Jonathan." Shockingly to my surprise she wasn't throwing me out. I really loved her and still love her. I just didn't know my acting career was going to go at the pace it did after getting engaged. And I know I'm not shit for leaving the woman I love at the worse time in her life when her mom died. But opportunities like this don't come around for many black talents like myself. That night, the night of the breakup so many things happened. I didn't fight hard enough. I let her think that it was easy to let her go. Then rumors started about me and a co star of mine. The on screen chemistry didn't help. I just want y/n to see that it's always been her. I messed up and I regret being at this point in my career with out her.

Y/n poured a glass of whiskey. "Here" then poured another for herself. "Jonathan what do you want?" It took everything for me not to tell her my truth but I had to. "I want you" she walked around the kitchen island "I finally get you out of system, I'm doing amazing for myself, and here you come ready to burn it down." I got up and got close to her. Y/n is only 5'3. My 6 ft 200 pd body towered over her. "I still love you. And I want us y/n. I made you think I didn't want our marriage and I did. I wanted it both. But I didn't pour into us. That was fucked up of me!" She began laughing while pouring another shot. "So you think I'm stupid... you think you can walk in here and shout all these feelings and what I forget the last 8 years of my life." I walk over to her, she is visibly upset. My hands slide around her waist and I look in her eyes. "I regret every day doing this to us. You should be my wife right now. This shouldn't be a conversation but I put us here." Y/n snatched out of my grip and threw her next drink back. She started pointing at me and laughing. "You chose your career and guess what? I chose mine Jonathan. I am fucking my career everyday." You said seductively.

Flash back to 8 years ago:

(Phone call) "Yes, yes I can fly out as soon as tonight. Send the contract and I'll sign it." Y/n was standing outside of our bedroom door. Voice mumbling, "So I'll be gone for about 6 months? Man that's a long time away from home." The call goes on, "Hey don't worry about it Tacy. I'll handle her. I just got back from a 3 month film last week. I have to get to this bag Tacy." You came into the doorway as the call ended. "Tacy, your manager?" I didn't even look up, "Yeah" I put my phone on the night stand. "Y/N, I got another role. The first 6 months will be filming in Nigeria. You slammed your hand down. " Really Jonathan! You just got back and did you forget my mom died. And did I hear tomorrow? You're planning to leave as soon as tomorrow. What happened to us using this time to get wedding things done? Or you forgot that too." I stood up and walked over to bathroom. "Y/N! I don't have time for this. I'll fly back for the funeral and we can talk over the phone about wedding stuff. I keep the bank account full. What's the problem. You're still trying to get this little company going so you should be happy. Throwing a picture of us from the night I proposed on the floor. "Little company, do you know how many times I missed out building this "little" company because I'm up reading lines with you? Do you know how many times I didn't go see my mother because I was flying around the damn world being your "little" personal assistant. You know what."

You started fumbling with your ring. "What are you doing y/n?" You took the ring off and slammed in it on the dresser. " I'm making you a free agent. Didn't Tacy say I'm not a good look for the brand. Married? You should wait right? Oh you didn't know I heard that conversation. The audience doesn't want a married A-list actor, they want a man they think they can get a chance with. And since that got damn conversation you tapped out." I swiftly walked up to you grabbing your arm and pulling you to me, " I'm fucking my career right now y/n! You're either going to wait for me or watch me. But I'm doing this so you can frolic with whatever career you want IF you want to." You snatched away and I realized what I had just said. " Baby, I'm an ass! I didn't mean it like that. I'm really stressed out right now." You started crying. "We're done Jonathan. Enjoy fucking that career."

"Jonathan!" I jolted out of my daydream to the sound of your voice. "y/n come here." I grabbed you in my big arms and sat you on the kitchen island. You looked at me and tried pushing me away. "Get off of me, put me down!" She started Hitting it my chest but I stood there never breaking eye contact. "I'm sorry y/n I hurt you. I hurt you so bad." She looked away but I wouldn't let her, I took her chin into my hand. "No, look at me. I should have fought for you for us and I didn't." Y/n stated crying. "Please, you should leave." I placed her hand in mine. "Is that what you really want baby?" I leaned into y/n neck and placed my lips by her ear. " tell me you want me stop and I will." Her head went back. "Jonathan I'm not your baby and please get out of my ear." I wrapped my arms around her waist and put my hands on y/n ass. "I'm sorry, but I want this."


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