The plane

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Michael came out of one of the rooms on his plane in sweats

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Michael came out of one of the rooms on his plane in sweats. He was definitely on the right track of making sure I'm having a good time, what he didn't know is I was terrified of planes. I often flew with my dad, Jarred, Jazzy, or Bri for business trips or going to visit family. Vacations were always a group thing so it took the ease off of my fear. Trevor came over the system letting us know to take our seats and buckle in as the plane was preparing for take off. When Michael saw me I was curled in the corner of my seat. "What's wrong y/n" he sat beside me. Planes are not my thing. I've taken them to travel but usually I take something to calm me down. Michael quickly hopped up and yelled from the back "white or dark". The plane started driving down the tarp. "Brown would be nice right about now." Michael jumped back into the chair in time for the plane to pull off. He sat a bottle of whiskey on the table in front of us. His private plane was huge, but you were still scared. "Hey come here, come here" he put my head in his chest and poured some whiskey. "You know what's funny. I was so scared to do that charity event. I swore I was going to get with someone with missing teeth. I was so glad to see you had all of your teeth." I laughed, "stop it. You would have been such a gentleman." We laughed and took the shot of whiskey. Michael raised his eyebrow, " Damn slow down before I'm holding your hair in the bathroom. And yes I would have been a gentleman and took her to my dentist for our date." We laughed and continued to drink. Trevor came back over the intercom, "you two are clear to take your seatbelts off and roam the plane." Michael looked so good in his black sweat suit. He smelled amazing and damn it his voice kept me role playing in my head. "Are you relaxed now?" He poured another shot "I am, thank you. So where are we traveling to?" He smiled, my home away from home. The place I retreat to for my peace. My private villa it's about a 3 hour flight and on one of the most beautiful islands." Tilting my head back, "so the island is?" He stood against the wall looking fine and tall. "Now if I told you it wouldn't be private anymore." I laughed, "this must be where you and your most special girls go like Ms. Lori Harvey." Michael pushed off the wall and sat in the near by chair. The moment it left your mouth you knew it was stupid. "I quickly stood up, Michael I'm sorry that was absolutely out of my norm and not okay to say. I should put the whiskey down. I get way too comfortable with dark liquor." He stood up and put his hands on my waist, I wrapped my hands around the back of his head. "Hey listen, I'm still working through that so if we can let's not bring her up. She is a page id like to delete immediately." You put my forehead on his "yes of course." The plane started shaking, Trevor came back over the intercom, a little turbulence. It's fine and will be through it shortly." You looked out of the window, Michael closed the shutters. "Focus on me." He put his hand over your heart and could feel it beating a mile a second. "Hey baby look at me. I got you I'm not going to let nothing happen to you." He pulled your chin close and leaned in to kiss you. The turbulence had the plane shaking and Michael knowing it would only cause me to panic kissed me harder as he moved us towards the bedroom on the plane. He placed you on the bed and climbed on top of you. "Tell me if I'm making you uncomfortable." He kept kissing you. You could feel the print of his dick through his sweats. He ran his hands down your body and whispered in your ear, " I got you" Trevor came back over the intercom clearing the turbulence. That didn't stop Michael from kissing you, " hey Michael listen I signed a contract that we wouldn't have sex."he looked up, "who made you do that! And y/n I don't want that. I mean I do if you do. I'm attracted to you but you're not just sex." You sat up, "so what am I? Technically besides the night of the charity event, we just met this morning." Michael sat up beside you. "You're right. You're someone I'm interested in staying in connection with and getting to know more of" He looked down between his legs, "I just want you to feel special." You smiled, "I feel more special than you'll ever know." Trevor came over the intercom. "Mr.Jordan we are landing in 15 minutes." Michael looked at you. "Alright I have an idea." He stood up excitedly rubbing his hands together. "No sleep for the next.." he looks at his Rolex "19 hours." You fall back on his bed. "Boy are you crazy." He tosses himself beside you "Yup, because you're technically you are mine for the next several hours." You laughed, " you know what bet and whoever falls asleep first.." you look up thinking... Michael interrupts "has to go skinny dipping in the ocean." You give him the side eye. "Okay crazy you have a deal" you stick you hand out to shake and then bring him close. "Michael" he closed his eyes and then looks back at you "don't say my name like that y/n" you close your eyes and press your lips together. "You don't say my name like that! Listen there is no doubt an attraction of desire between us. I think we should hold off on kissing. The contract states if you and I are to have sex I break the agreement of our contract and lose you as a client of Bel-Air." Michael sat up and looked confused. "What are you talking about?" You took a deep breath, "Your aunt, I mean assistant Evelyn has to put a clause in there. She said because she already has to turn a blind eye to being in business together, she can't risk things getting messy between us and it affecting your brand." Michael stood up, pissed. "You knew that was in the contract that I signed today?" You stood up with but the plane started to land and the seat belt sign came on. "Michael, I had to if I wanted this time with you. Or she would have had to give it to someone else." Michael put his hood over his head, "it's not about the sex y/n it's about my people having that kind of control over my relationships and what I do in them." You stated confused, "but Mike we are not in a relationship, after these blissful hours you are off to film Creed 3 and I'm back to the office." He took his hood down. "I know y/n, I still don't like that I wasn't aware. Is there anything else in the contract that I'm not aware of ?" Trevor came over the intercom. "Mr. Jordan we have landed."

He looks so fine even when he is frustrated. His bushy eyebrows and muscles tense up. His top lip quivers and he balls his fist. The door to the plane opened. "Michael this is beautiful" it was a private tarp the plane landed on. A car pulled up and Trevor waved us off. Michael sat in the car quiet. You touch his knee giving him the puppy face. "Did I ruin this." He immediately melted "No y/n, you're perfect. I'm glad to share this with you." We smiled and he pulled you beside him. You laid your head on his shoulder, "alright remember our bet, no sleeping." You quickly sat up as you almost dosed off.

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