The Charity

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It's the morning of Bri's charity. You've gotten the attorney to approve the proposal and had it sent over to be reviewed by the potential client. Since the proposal was sent off you've felt more relaxed and looking forward to tonight. After your dads visit you did some thinking and realized that you haven't spent the best time taking care of yourself. Therefore you've taken the first day off In the last three years to pamper yourself before the event. Jonathan flew in last week and you met up with him. But the moment your eyes made contact a rush of emotion's came back and you couldn't continue. He tried talking you into staying but you couldn't. He looked so good, and wore your favorite cologne. He knew what he was doing. Since then he's been sending flowers to the house and texting you everyday. You haven't been able to wrap your brain around why he's being so persistent, but tonight was not about him. You were ready to get dressed and enjoy your night.

Bri calling.... "Hey Pooh, open the door girl!" You run downstairs and your poodle Tiny is right behind you barking. "Shut up Tiny! You're barking and I'm right here." You open the door, "Heyyyyy girl! You ready for tonight!" You take a big sigh. "I am. The glam squad is upstairs, come on." You and Bri run upstairs like two teens to get all dolled up. "sooo Pooh I saw on Jon IG stories that he was in Cali." She raised her eyes brows up. "Girl, we met up but nothing happened. I could barely say anything to him. I literally got there, saw him, and froze. He hugged me and I couldn't do it." Bri sat up, "Pooh, you didn't talk to him." You shook your head no. " Bri I tried but words wouldn't come out. He looked so good and smelled amazing. All I could think about was the last time I saw him." Bri shook her head, "Girl well forget him tonight and we are going to find you a new man. Which reminds me I entered you in the auction to win a date with this mystery celebrity." You jolted out of your chair, "BRI!!! why would you do that! You know I can't spend 24 hours with someone. Especially someone I don't care to know. What if it's a girl, I mean what we gonna do shop for 24 hours... or what if it's Ed Sheeran? Does he even like black women?" You and Bri laugh. "Girl, it's okay. The Charity we partnered with this year said it will be every woman's dream date." I look over at Bri, "Girl if it's not Michael Bakari Jordan, then I don't want them." You and Bri laughed and took a shot together.

You looked at the time, "okay glam squad we have to get going soon" the glam team finished and you both started getting dressed.

Your dress

Bri in her dress

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Bri in her dress

We arrive to the charity and everyone who is someone in the LA area is there

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We arrive to the charity and everyone who is someone in the LA area is there. Bri was clutching my arm. "Girl this event gets better and better every year. And thank you so much for contributing 20k this year." You two hugged. "Listen no problem. I hope they find a cure." The announcer comes on. "Welcome everyone we are going to get this silent auction started." Bri kisses you on the cheek, " alright girl let me get out here and do my thing. I'll be around if you need me." You hugged her back. "Girl, go do your thing I'm so proud of you. She walks off and you head to the bar

The night went on and you made some great business connections

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The night went on and you made some great business connections. They started calling the names of the winner for the silent auction and then got to the celebrity date. Bri walked on stage to make the announcement. She was interrupted by someone whispering in her ear. She looked up... "Oh my God! Are you serious!" You walked closer to the stage as people started to become anxiously intrigued. "Guys MICHAEL B JORDAN IS IN THE BUILDING TO ANNOUNCE WHO WILL BE JOINING HIM ON A 24-hour DATE!" The crowd goes into an uproar as Michael walks on the stage....

 "Guys MICHAEL B JORDAN IS IN THE BUILDING TO ANNOUNCE WHO WILL BE JOINING HIM ON A 24-hour DATE!" The crowd goes into an uproar as Michael walks on the stage

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You grab your peals in disbelief. "Michael who?" As if you were waiting for confirmation. Michael walked on stage with his hand up greeting the room.

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