Daddy's Home

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"Hey baby girl" he had flowers and a card in his hand

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"Hey baby girl" he had flowers and a card in his hand. " I'm sorry I just popped up like this, but you know today is the anniversary of your mom passing and usually we hang out. But I haven't heard from you so I had to come check on my baby girl."

You felt like crap one because you just sent your entire staff of 17 people out on lunch and a half day still on the clock and you completely forgot about you mom passing anniversary. " Daddy I'm so sorry, work has been really busy and we have a billion dollar contact on the line and I didn't call or text you." You get emotional and run into his arms, " Awww Pooh, you know wherever you are I'll always come looking for you." He hugged you tight. "Did you think I was?" He looks down at you and smirks, "dad I don't want to talk about it." He laughed, as someone knocked on the door, "Jarred it's okay, it's my dad. Enjoy the rest of your day on my tab." Jarred opened the door to confirm, "Alright Ms. Y/N, hey Mr. Kevin" Jarred shook your dads hand, "Hey Jarred, you're looking good, and I see still armed security for my baby girl." Jarred smiled, " I'll always have Ms.Y/N back sir." He walked out. "Pooh why don't you and Jarred..." you walked over to grab you purse and buzz Wayne to pick you up. "Daddy, do not start. Jarred is great but I do not lay where I make my money." Kevin laughed, "I taught you well daughter. You both walked out to the car and went into town for lunch.

You and your dad have always been close. When your mom passed you both became closer. When You and Jonathan broke up he came to stay with you to help you pull things back together. When your mom died a piece of your dad died with her. He's been much better these days. However his issues with gambling and drinking often left him extreme financial difficulties. At the restaurant your dad started ordering everything, he is such a foodie and flew from Atlanta to Los Angeles for his daughter and the food. "So baby girl, since it's a no to Jarred Issa yes to who?" You laughed, "Um dad, don't ever say "Issa" anything in a sentence again. And I'm just doing me. I'm building my brand and if this contract goes through, daddy I'll put my company in the best financial situation for the next several years. I'll be comfortable enough to take vacations, days off, and maybe date.

Kevin looked at you with a bitter sweet face. " Pooh I am so proud of you, you're everything your mom and I imagined and then some. But I'm worried that your not taking care of yourself. I spoke to Bri this morning." You rolled your eyes, "Really Bri." She told me that you're having those dreams about Jonathan again." You take a sip of your margarita, "Dad, they are not bad. I've been working late, I overslept, she came to the house and now look my staff are currently spending 5k on my tab at Mr.Davis restaurant and I'm out eating and drinking with you. Boom, I'm fine,"

Phone starts ringing.... Voicemail "Hey Baby, I mean Pooh..listen filming wrapped earlier than expected. I'll be in LA by tomorrow. Please y/n, I need to see you. "

Kevin taps your  hand, "Hey earth to y/n. Is everything alright?" You jump back into reality. "I'm sorry dad, Jon he's been calling and texting me. He wants to talk." Kevin takes your hand. " Hey, you don't have to if you don't want to." The waitress come to the table. " We are ready for the check. I know dad,  it's been a long day. We should go, Where are you staying? How long are you here for?" He wipes his face with the napkin. "I leave In the morning, and I'm staying with a friend." Kevin signs the bill. You look at him suspiciously. " Oh so you're here for me, the food, and a woman." He laughs, " listen I'd love to stay with you but I think shorty is the spot tonight if you know what I mean." You start acting like you're going to vomit. "Hell no, don't say nothing else. I love you dad I didn't know I needed this." The waitress brings his receipt. "Dad, you sure? This was a pretty expensive lunch, I could...." Kevin out his hand out. "Y/n, please. You've helped me too many times over the years since your mom passed. I got it." You smiled and sunk into your chair. "Okay baller." He pops his collar. "You know this." You throw your napkin at him. "Let's go dad!" 

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