A chance at a chance

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Michael was downstairs making breakfast when I woke up

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Michael was downstairs making breakfast when I woke up. Oh it smells amazing but I'm too tired to get out of bed. Things are still fuzzy. Holding my head I try to stand up but quickly stumble back into the bed. Bri comes walking in. "Hey girl! Do you know Michael B Jordan is in your kitchen right now in grey sweats no shirt on flipping pancakes?" She hands you some aspirin. "Yeah, he followed me home after the party last night to check on me after the whole Lori thing. But girl in the middle of me kicking him out I started throwing up. And he stayed with me to make sure I was okay." Bri slapped my arm, "Girl if you don't husbae this man." she plopped in the bed beside me then jumped up. "Wait what they're the sex in here last night." I threw my pillow at her rolling my eyes. "No stupid! He was the perfect gentleman. He stayed over on the sofa all night." Bri puts her hand to her heart. "Girl if this isn't some 2005 love shit I don't know what is. First of all that man is private and he took you to his private home away from home, then he is in your house cleaning up you throw up and cooking breakfast like he ready to be ya baby daddy. Y/n do you not realize this is the sexiest man on earth checking for you!" I nodded at Bri while covering her mouth. "Girl you're loud and my head hurts. I know what the world sees , but I just see Michael. The hard workers, charming, driven, ambitious man that just wants to take care of the people around him." Bri hits me with the pillow, "What the hell was that for?" I get out of the bed. "Because you like him y/n, it's not a celebrity crush anymore. You are falling for him." I walk over to my bathroom to start my morning facial. " No Bri, I mean yes I like him. But I can't fall for someone who is so work driven. We both can't be out here working day and night." A knock interrupts, "Hey ladies, and I'm interrupting?" Bri flirtatiously walks to Michael. "Boy you can interrupt my mama funeral if you want." I roll my eyes and Michael laughs. "I'll keep that in mind. Baby, I made breakfast, I'm going to leave that here for you. I'm sorry I have to run out like this but I literally have to be on set in 4 hours. So I have to get to my plane." He walks over and kisses you on the cheek. "When I'm done with this movie, I promise I'll make up for all the time I'm away." He grabs his clothes and head out of the room, "I'll see you around Bri." He hugs her and gives her a cheek peck. Bri runs into the bathroom, "girl if you don't want him I'll take him. You just gonna have to throw 25 years of friendship away!" I threw water from the faucet at Bri. "Shut up. Since you're here find me an outfit I have to get to the office." Bri gleefully goes into the closet singing "MJ kissed me! MJ kissed me!"

It was Jarred's first day back at work. He came in normal and met with me for our check in. He didn't make any passes or flirtatious remarks. Jazzy came in a few minutes later avoiding eye contact with Jarred. "Ms.Y/n, Michael's people are in the conference room. They want to go over some brand awareness ideas." Usually you wouldn't meet with the clients team without an appointment. But Michael has financial set this company up so you will bend as much as possible. "Jarred welcome back, I expect you will take lead on this?" Jarred nodded and left. Jazzy sat down in my chair across the desk. "Listen, heads up, he is pissed at you. He feels your discipline was overreacting." I put my hand up, "Jazzy, do you want to go on leave for protecting your boyfriend?" Jazzy stood up, "no." you start typing on the computer. "Then I'd assume you're going to go into that conference room with Jarred and provide whatever it is that he needs to keep our client happy. I never looked up from the computer. "Yes MS.Y/n." Jazzy turn and walked out

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