The dark truth

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It was about 5 a.m and Michael wasn't in the bed. He was sitting across the room reading a script. I stretched to get his attention. He looked up over the computer and smiled. "Im sorry I hope I didn't wake you." Smiling, "no of course not. Is everything okay?" He got up and walked over to me still in his boxers. "Yea, just looking over some contracts." He kissed me on the lips. "Boy you better stop. You know we can't keep our hands off each other." Laughing, "that's because you can't get enough of this body!" Those dimples made their appearance. "Oh baby I wanted to talk to you. So I really want to introduce you to Jonathan. I think we are both in town and I figured it be perfect to have him over for dinner." Reality really knows how to mess up a moment. I got out of the bed and went to the shower. "Baby, we have to talk. I just need to shower first." Michael tilted his head in confusion. "Okay, everything okay?" I turned the shower on and got in. "Just give me 10."

I turn the shower off and go back to the bedroom.   "Michael?" He's no where in sight. "Michael!?" I start hearing sounds from the balcony. "He found my gym."

Damn! How am I suppose to talk to him like this

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Damn! How am I suppose to talk to him like this. "What are you doing." He starts cuing weights. "You know you said you had to talk so just in case you trying to leave me I had to give you something to think about." He smiles and continues lifting. "Is that what it looks like when I'm on top?" He smiles but never breaks focus. "Yeah except I much rather press you instead of this weight" well I'll be in the room waiting for you. "Okay baby I'll be there in about 5." Walking down the hall I pull my phone out. "Letting you know that I'm telling Michael today" I press send and quickly Jonathan responds with a thumbs up emoji. "Wow, okay," I didn't realize that Michael snuck up behind me. "Shit Michael." My phone fell to the floor. "I'm sorry baby, you got to be careful." He playfully laughs while picking up my phone. "Who we texting at 6 in the morning, Bri?" Michael accidentally looked at the message and paused. "Michael I need to tell you something but I don't want you to get mad. You have to understand." He begins to look up. "What do you need to tell me. And is this your ex fiancé Jonathan?" I took a deep breath while fixing my hair into a ponytail. "Jonathan Majors is my ex fiancé Michael." He stood there silent before dropping my phone and walking pass me. "Michael! Wait please please listen to me." He started grabbing his things and putting them into his LV duffel. "Michael please say something." He turned around quickly scaring me. I jumped back. "You knew this whole time and played in my face!" I moved in front of him to stop him from packing. "No listen, please listen. I didn't know at the time MICHAEL. By the time I found out about you and Jonathan we had already started talking." He moved me out of the way. "And you thought it was a good idea to say nothing."  He stated at me. I tried to hold back tears but I could tell the man that just said he loved me looked at me as if I was disgusting. "Y/n move!" I stayed there shaking my head. "Please let me talk to you." "I'll come back for it later." He walks out of the room. "Wait! I was scared. I knew this would happen." Michael stops walking. "I tried saying something so many times but it never seemed like the right time." Michael still facing the door. "Have you been with him since we've been together?" Instantly i flash back just to several hours ago before Michael arrived. "When Jonathan started filming for Creed he contacted me. We haven't spoken or seen each other in years. I didn't know you and I were going to meet let alone be together." Michael head slightly turned towards me. "Does he know" I swallowed hard, "baby please." He turned around, "It's Mr.Jordan. You handle my business affairs." Michael opened the door. "He knows! He found out. I don't know how but he found out. He was here before you to hear it from me." I fell to the ground and started crying. Michael walked back over to me. " why do this to us?" He knelt in front of me. "Are you trying to hurt me? I loved you." I grabbed his shirt trying to pull his face to mine. "Michael, I didn't want to hurt you or him. We weren't together. Yes we had been spending time together but don't blame him. He didn't know. I didn't know about you two being close until we had already slept together." Michael placed his forehead on mine. "I'm sorry, he knows I love you he knows that." Michael looks into my face

" Michael looks into my face

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"That's my brother. " I look at Michael and whisper, "and I'm your girl." He stands up with his eyebrow raised. "Yeah I thought you were." He walks out to his car. I started crying loudly. "I'm sorry, I didn't know! I didn't.... I didn't want this." I threw a flower pot by me into the wall and let out a scream. "Fuck both of you! Fuck you fuck you fuck you." I listened to Michael's car pulling off.

I called Bri....
Bri: Hello, (sounding raspy) Pooh? Pooh.... Are you crying
Y/n; it's over Briana, it's over with Michael.
Bri: I'm coming right now Pooh. I'm on my way now!

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