No contact

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It's been 2.5 months since you've seen Michael. You two have tried to FaceTime but he has been dedicated to his movie. You try hard not to be in your feeling especially because you're not in a relationship. But as much as he was on you it's hard to believe that no one else is giving him that attention. Meanwhile Jonathan has sent you dates to fly out as soon as next week. You haven't found the courage to tell Jonathan about Michael or Michael that Jonathan is the ex fiancé. You found a photo album recently of all the pictures between you and Jon. It's brought you down memory lane. You and Jonathan have a lot of time invested, a lot of memories, a lot of stories. At one point he was the only man you thought about. And to be honest seeing him on the big screen and how he's grown has been stimulating for sure. Then there is Michael, he is charming, caring, and so damn fine. He keeps you on your toes, wondering what's next. Full of fun and excitement. But then he brings balance. He knows how to calm me down, encourage me, and make me cream like I never have.

Knock knock... "yes, come in." Jazzy walks in with binders  and files. Jarred following behind her with Starbucks and lunch. "Okay, what do we have?" Jarred and Jazz seem off. She is stumbling all over the papers and Jarred can't provide information. "Guys! This is our first impression to show the MJB Brand that we can take them to another level! What are the ideas for brand placement. It has to be innovative and something they haven't thought of before. Go!" You point to Jarred, his hands are in his head. "Ummm okay, so Michael likes basketball right?" You slam the notebook down, "Soccer Jarred, he is a big fan of soccer." Jazzy jumps in, "yes, okay so how about we pitch the idea with his new soccer team and expand on his clothing line using name placement during their games?" You look at Jazzy, "if you didn't just say a bunch of nothing. What do you think his team is already doing?  Guys I've done this, I'm throwing the clients at you, if I need to be on that side of the table again then why are you here?" They both looked at each other. "Jarred and I got into a big argument last night. We both were up until about 2 hours ago arguing. Neither one of us had time to go over the information." You look at Jarred, and raise your eyebrow. "Listen y/n, Jazzy made a stupid comment about the way I look at you and felt I don't look at her that way." Jazz mouth dropped as if that was suppose to stay between them. "Wow Jarred, so..." you interrupt Jazz. "What did I tell both of you? If you're going to be together, date, fuck, or whatever it's between you. Don't bring it in the office. If you want to fuck up business do it on your own time. Both of you get out." You sit at your desk. Jarred stands up, "y/n, listen...." You shoot him a look, "both of you go home for the day, fuck it out, figure it out, fix it, or forget it. Either one better lead to you both here at 6am to make up for the time lost today. I'll go through the materials myself." Jazzy stands up, "I'm sorry y/n" you begin opening binders. " yes Jazzy you are, and I'm disappointed." They both walk out.

Jarred shuts the door and you jump on your office phone. "Hey Chelsea, cancel that trip to Vegas . Work things have come up." You hang up with your travel agent. You pick your phone up and text Jonathan, "hey have to cancel, you know how it is. Work has to be done." You see the three dots instantly pop up in the chat box. You turn your phone over and begin studying Michael's brand. 7pm rolled around and your office was quiet. You decided to take a break to stretch. You pick your phone up to see a few missed texts. Nothing from Michael. You scroll on IG to make time go by. A video of  Jonathan pops up. He's been clearly working out for this movie. You keep playing the video over and over. You click on the page and scroll through his photos. When did he become this. You go over to Michael's IG and nothing is post besides 3 photos. The photos all have to do with Creed.

Ding ding: you open your message and see the eggplant emoji. It's from Jonathan. "I really need to see you. I can't stop thinking about my face between your thighs. My lips on yours." You pressed play on the video and it was him stroking his dick. You immediately become wet and press replay on the video. Jonathan  sends the purple demon emoji. And says "play back." You laugh and pull your rose out of your purse. You put your hands in your pants and turn your rose on. You begin rubbing the inside of your thigh and squeezing your breast while playing with yourself. Instantly flash back to Michael having you slammed on his dick flashed in your head. You pressed the rose harder on your clit. Your moans grew louder, "ahhh fuck...mmmm fuck.... Ooooo yes, yes, yes" you take your finger and roll them around your juices then taste them. You remember how much you enjoyed sucking your pussy juice of Michael's dick. "You turn the rose to its highest notch and before you knew it you were in your office screaming and cumming. "FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!!"

You threw your head back and collapsed. Damn even thoughts about him make you squirt. Your pants were soaked and then you saw a light from the elevator door open. You stand still as a figure approaches and opens the door. "How did I know you'd still be here?"

Jarred? Why are you back here. Your pants were still down and you vibrator in hand under the office desk. "I'm still working." I left my laptop, I just wanted to grab it." You nodded your head. Jarred turned around, "you should go home, you look a little disheveled." You shrugged your shoulder, "noted it's been a long day. I had to send two of my best employees home." Jarred walked out. You quickly got up and ran into the bathroom in your office to wash up and change. As you were walking out Jarred walked back in, "Hey, is Wayne coming?" You fixed your shirt, "no i drove." Jarred started picking up the binders off your desk. "I'll walk you out. It's dangerous in that garage and your name rings bells so I'll feel better knowing I walked out with you." You gathered your items. "Yeah maybe you're right." You turn the lights and both get into the elevator. It's quite. The door swings open to the garage. "Jarred, tell me something. Is it just me or is there something you want to say to me?" Jarred got close, "Listen y/n." Your phone rang and it was Michael. You cut Jarred off, "have a goodnight Jarred. Tomorrow I expect a complete turn around." You walk over to your car. "Hey stranger." Michael looks like he's in a hotel room with people. "Hey big head" he laughed as he took a sip of his Red Bull. "Are you just leaving work?" You tilt your head back. "Yes, today was a lot." He smiles, "well I'll be back in LA next week for a little. I have to work on some stuff for the MJB collection." You smirk, "as to why I'm leaving my office at 8pm instead of 5." You hear a familiar voice in the back. It's Jonathan. "Aye come here bro I want you to say what up to somebody real fast?" You hung the phone up. Your heart is pounding. Michael calls back but you don't answer. "Hey, I'm sorry bad connection. Maybe go to a room that has better connection?" The bubbles appear as he's typing back. "It's okay, it's loud here anyway. Hey I have to get back to these crazy people. I can't wait to see you again." You roll your eyes  poking your lips out. "Please you've been going almost 3 months and I can count how many times you've called me." Bubbles pop up and then stop and start and stop. He never replies. "Exactly." You toss your phone onto the passenger seat . A car pulls up to you in the garage. You roll your window down "Y/n , if I didn't know any better I would think your avoiding me." gripping the steering wheel, "Jarred I'm avoiding you making a mistake and getting fired. I don't know what's going on with you, what your insinuating, and why all of a sudden now. But please do not make me have to let the best person I have on the team go." You go to out your car in drive but he has opened your door and sat down. "Fire me then so I can be my most authentic self with you." Now listen Jarred was fine and his accent was divine. The thing is you've never seen him more than that. "Jarred you and Jazzy..." he puts his hand up to stop you from talking. "Jazzy and I were never a thing. Did we sleep together? Yes. Do I care about her? Yes. But she told you that because she wants me in a way that I don't want her. "Jarred, for one, too much information about y'all. Two, I don't see you that way. Yes, you are absolutely attractive but it stops there. Now please get out of my car." He opens the door, "have a good night." Before rolling the window up you yell to Jarred. "Jarred as of tonight you're on probation. If this continues I'll have no other choice." He smiles. "Heard you." Then sped off.

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