The release date

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"Girl, how do you get tickets to the red carpet of The Creed 3 premiere? Oh that's right, sleep with the director." I threw my
makeup brush at Bri. "Girl shut up." Bri was scrolling through her phone as I got ready. "Michael and Jonathan have become quite close. Like Brothers!" "Bri, can we not." She got up and walked over to me. "You've been ignoring Jonathan but falling for Michael. Why don't you tell him y/n. LA is big and small girl. It's going to come out." Brushing my curls I turn towards Bri. "Bri listen, I haven't spoke to Jonathan since my last texts months ago. And Michael and I have just been cool since that date we went on." Bri takes the brush out of my hand. "Give me this before you brush your curls out." She started brushing my curl in the right direction. "Y/n, listen. I didn't want to say anything but I rigged the auction. I purposely had Jonathan pick you. Your name wasn't activated selected." Looking confused as fuck! "Bri! What the hell are you talking about?" "Listen don't get mad. I know how you are about following rules and being fair. But girl, once I caught wind that it was the most eligible bachelor coming I knew I had to throw your name out there. Michael didn't want to get stuck with just anyone. So I told him I knew someone that he would truly enjoy spending his time with. And I told him to say your name." Turning around I raised my eyebrow at Bri. "Girl, what! It's your celebrity crush. You loved that man since he played Wallace on The Wire." I smiled. "You a real one Bri." We both laughed. "However, don't do that again!" "Girl you're so by the rules I hate it." My phone starts ringing. "Hi Ms.y/n, you have been invited to Mr.Jordan's private party tonight after the viewing. You have the option to bring one guest. Would you like to attend and who will be your plus one?"

"Bri, girl change outfits we are going to the premiere and after party." Bri and I rush back into the closet and begin looking for dresses. "Girl, if you don't get that man I will." She slaps my butt and picks a dress out of the closet. "Y/n, it's a damn shame you have price tags on your clothes. You have a shopping problem." Smiling, I walk over to a nude color dress. " it's my best friend talking shit while also in my closet shopping with no restrictions." Bri laughing, "you right, I'm going to shut up."

We hit the red carpet and it is live. Everyone who is everyone is there for the premiere. Cameras are flashing and people are walking. It's like organized chaos.

Bri walked beside me with her arm looped under mine

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Bri walked beside me with her arm looped under mine. "Girl this is sick!" Smiling I looked at her. "I know right!"

 "I know right!"

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