The villa

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We get back to Michael's Villa

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We get back to Michael's Villa. The weather is perfect, early night has fallen, and his Villa looks amazing from the outside all lit up. His staff were waiting by the door with dry towels. "Thanks guys. Y'all can sit those items over there and have a good night." The staff all shook Michael's hand and walked out. Michael phone started buzzing. "Hey Trevor. What's up with the plane? So it won't be ready for take off in the morning? Did you speak to my assistant? I have to fly out tomorrow night to start filming Creed." He started pacing, "okay, call my manager, they will have to send a new plane by tomorrow night. Y/N can take the flight back in the new plane. I'll take off in my plane to Vegas." You seemed concerned as you barely could fly with just him, now you're flying back alone. You tried to hide your irritation. You decided to go look for your phone as you haven't looked at it since leaving the office. 32 missed texts. Most from the work group chat poking phone and Bri being nosey. The rest were from Jonathan.

"Y/n, I have to make a quick call, is that okay?" You nod your head. He brings over a fruit and cheese platter. "I'll be right back." He picks his phone up, "MR. Jonathan Majors, you ready my boy!" And walks out of the room. Your heart drops. You open the texts from Jonathan.

Hi my love, listen I can't stop thinking about you. Last month was special and I know you felt that y/n. I want to fly you out in a few weeks while I'm filming. Maybe if you can see how hard I've been working for us you will understand. It was always for us y/n. I still love you and want us baby. Let me know and I'll get your flight scheduled.

Michael snuck up on you, "boo" you jumped and laughed, "Really! Now if I would have hit you." He sits behind you and wraps his arms around your waist. "So a few changes." You lay back on his chest, "yup I'll be flying back tomorrow alone" you tracked the outline of his arm muscle with your fingers. "Ear hustling huh? Listen my plane has a few sensors that have to be changed and those won't get here until tomorrow night. I know you have to get back so I've arranged for another plane just a big and nice as mine to fly you back. If you want I can see if Jarred can hop on that flight to fly back with you?" You looked up at Michael. "You are really everything." I can send Jarred a text and see if him or Jazz would be willing to come." You didn't seem satisfied, "I'm sorry y/n, you know if I could I would fly back with you." The base of his voice ran through your back. "No I get it, trust me this isn't the first time I've had to navigate changes for someone's career. I'm good." You sat up, Michael turned you around, now you were facing him with your legs wrapped around him. He put his hands on your back and started massaging your lower back. "Talk to me, you've been with someone else in the industry." You looked away, "is it the ex fiancé guy that you mentioned?" You looked up avoiding eye contact. "What, I said that?" You laughed, "Yes, but the same way you don't want to talk about you know who is the same way I don't want to talk about him." Michael bite his lip. "Alright, I get that. I wouldn't want you to make changes for me. I want to include you in my change." You kissed his cheek and held his face. "Michael we have just a few more hours and this is over. Did you forget that. And if you wanted to include me in the change you would have asked me first about the plane." He laid his head on your chest. "What if I want to keep this going, fuck the 24 hours. I want to see what this could be?" You rubbed his head and kissed the top of his head. "Michael, we can't, that was also a part of that stupid contract without this 24 hour date. Because you've signed for my company to work with your brand there is a heavy no fraternizing clause in there." He lifted his head up and looked into your eyes. "Y/N who will know besides us? Let's be real y/n." You stand up, "Michael so then we be a secret to each other and sneak around?" He gets up with you following you into the bathroom. "Is that uncommon. You wouldn't be a secret to me. Listen I want to see you again. I'm not asking at least not right now to be your man. But I am asking to let me see you again, and again, and again." He walks up to you as you look into the big bright mirror. You look up at him. He's placed your hair to one side of your shoulder. You bite down on your lip. "I can't give you commitment, I can give you friendship." Michael claps his hands together and licks his lips. "I'll take it." You laugh and out your hair up, you're preparing to jump in the shower. "You're not tired?" You asked yawing. "That's right someone lost the bet." Your eyes open wide. "MICHAEL NO!" He picks you up and bring you out front to the pool. "You lost y/n" He jumps in ahead of you and starts swimming. "Okay... well... turn around." Michael puts his hands up out of the water, "you shy now?" he laughs. "I'm serious, turn around." He smirks, "okay... okay..." and turns around. You take off you one piece and it falls to the ground. You are standing there completely naked. The moment hits you, you've spent the day with him. You've kissed this man, felt him all over your body, and now your in his villa, naked. "It's taking you this long girl. You basically have a string on." You take a step in the pool. "Shut up." The pool is heated, as expected. You are fully submerged in the water. Michael turns around and doesn't see you. You tap him on his shoulder and he looks back. He stares at you in awe. "Hey... thanks for the swim lessons by the way." You lean back and float. The moon bounces off the front of your body catching you at all the right angles. "Damn y/n" Michael puts his hands under your body as you float. "Michael this has been the best day, well one of them. My best day was getting the keys to my house. This is the second best day of my life." He smiled, those white teeth and dimples stopped your heart every time.

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