Home is where love is

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Michael POVI pulled into y/n driveway

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Michael POV
I pulled into y/n driveway. I thought I'd surprise her so I took a flight home early. It's been a full year since y/n and I've dated. I've managed to keep the media and blogs out of our relationship for the most part. No one knows who she is but they know there is a "she is" in existence. Y/n has been an amazing woman and business partner by my side. My time hasn't slowed down as I've been working and filming multiple projects. She is so patient and committed. I haven't seen her in about 2 months but every chance she gets I try  flying her out to me. Our relationship hasn't been easy as we both have grown overwhelmingly busy. Sometimes we miss each other calls, or speak briefly on the phone. Being together is like a fun secret but I'm tired of pretending to be single just to please the world. Y/n has met my parents, brother, and grandma. I've even taken her to Jersey to see my cousins. My team is finally aware as we couldn't hide it from them any longer. My manager Dave came straight out and asked one day. Then my assistant found out after seeing me sneak a kiss on the lips with y/n leaving my office one day. My aunt/assistant was pissed at first. She immediately was ready to take action as we went against the contract. But my mom and I were able to talk her down. She realized y/n wasn't a fan she truly loves me for the person I am. It's hard not waking up to my baby everyday. Hearing her voice shatter when I tell her I'm won't be home for a few weeks. Or having to watch her play with herself for pleasure because I'm not there to do it. I park the car out of sight to make the surprise more real. I attempted to FaceTime her but no answer.
"Now where is that spare key?" I started rambling through the flower pot under y/n window. She leaves a spare for me for when I'm in town. "Bingo. Daddy's home." I open the door to see my baby sleep on the couch. "Damn, I get to come back to this." Rubbing my hands together and approach the couch. She looks so peaceful. I notice the Bourbon beside her and two cups. "Her and Bri must have had a good time." I started cleaning up, Y/n can't stand leaving things sitting out. She must be tired. As I'm washing dishes I heard noise in the living room. "Hello?" She called out. "I have a gun, I shoot first and ask questions later." I walk into the living room. "Not if I shoot ya ass first."

I approach y/n taking my shirt off

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I approach y/n taking my shirt off. "Baby!" She screams and jumped into my arms. "I've missed you so much." She wraps her arms around me as I held her. I buried my face into her neck. "I've missed you so much baby. I decided to sneak up on you." She jumped down fixing her shirt. "I'm sorry I missed your calls. I was so tired I just fell asleep on the couch." I noticed y/n wrist was bandaged. "Baby, what the hell happened to your hand?" She tried hiding it but I already noticed. "Oh, um, I tripped earlier moving some stuff around. Fell on it the wrong way." Shaking my head. She's beautiful and clumsy all at once. "Adults still fall?" She laughs putting her hand on my chest. "Shut up. You're talking to much. we have making up to do." Smirking at her, "oh word." She nods "hell yes." I pull her into me rubbing my hands over her back. "I've missed you baby." I moved the hair that's fallen out of her bun off of her shoulders. I placed gentle kisses on her collar bone and neck line. "Mmmm baby. I need to shower." Continuing to kiss her. "Bae, you look like you've showered." She pulls away. "Bae, you just got home and I would have waited to shower but now I need one right now." I turned my head a little suspicious. " I'm home huh." I bit my bottom lip, I drive her crazy when I do that. "You know what I meant. Like in Cali." She started walking towards the kitchen. "Nah, I think you mean home as in here with you." Y/n begins pouring herself some water. "Do you want a glass." I move behind her wrapping my arms around her waist. "I want to be home with you." She paused in my arms. "Michael what are you talking about goofy." I couldn't help my dick starting to harden against her butt. The smell of her perfume, the feel of her body, the sound of her voice turned me on. Turning her around I placed her on the counter. "You are home baby. And that's where I want to be." She pulled my face to hers to kiss my lips. " you sound like you're in love Mr.Jordan." She laughs. I move closer to her looking her in her eyes. "I am, y/n I love you."
I felt her thighs tense as I was between then. "You what." She slid off the counter from in front of me. "Where are you going." I tried grabbing her but she quickly headed towards the stairs. "Y/n! Stop. Baby Stop!" I grabbed her wrist. "Ouch." Forgetting it was hurt. "I'm sorry! Shit I'm sorry baby. You know I would never hurt." She sits on the floor of the hall upstairs. "Michael you don't know what you're saying." I gently rubbed my finger over her brow. "When I wake up you're the first person I think about. I constantly want you around. I'm always trying to figure out how to be a better man for you. I'm always considering you in my plans for the future. I love y/n. And you don't have to say it back. But baby, one day I want this forever." I pull her off on the wall and lean into her. Taking my hand and place it on her hip as the other is behind her head. We deeply kiss. "I love you too." Her words took me by surprise. "Shhh you don't have to say it just because i did." She laid her head on my chest. "I do, I love you so much." I took her hand and led her to the room. "Can I make love to you?" She started pulling her pajamas down. I watched her silhouette as the moon gave enough light in the room. She tugged at my pants and boxers. "I want to take my time baby" she crawled on the bed and I was right behind her. My hands were all over her. It was as exciting as losing your virginity for the first time but being experienced. "Wait wait let me get the condom." I reached for my pants but y/n grabbed me. "I want to feel you inside of me. No barriers. I want to feel you release in me." I kissed her softly. "Are you sure baby?" She took my dick into her hands rubbing her thumb around it's head. I put my head back. "Yes baby I'm sure. I'm on birth control." I grabbed her hand. "I trust you if you was or wasn't. You'd be an amazing mother to our child." She was driving me crazy. I had to be in love to tell her I'd want to put a baby in her. She pushed me on my back and took me inside of her mouth. "Ahhh fuck baby." The feeling of her tongue going over my head and dick down her throat was amazing. "I love you so much. I love watching you suck my dick. "Bakari, mmmm your pre cumming in my mouth." She started sucking harder and I couldn't take it. "Come here baby. I told you I want to make love to you." I picked her up putting her on my shoulders. Her pussy juices were all over her thighs. Her sweet smell has me in a trance. I started sliding my tongue in and out of her pussy while sucking her clit. "Fuck baby, shiiittttt, your going to make me cum in your fucking mouth." I love knowing I drive her crazy sexually. "Cum in daddy mouth baby." I started fucking her with my tongue against the wall while jerking myself. "Fuck y/n, cum on my tongue baby girl." She starts screaming my name. "Michael I'm cumming fuck, Fuck, daddy! Daddy I'm cumming I can't...." I feel myself getting ready to nut and toss her on the bed. "Bend over baby." I thrush into her and she begins squirting on the bed. "Yeah good girl. Daddy is going to cum inside of you is that okay?" She looks back. "Get me pregnant Bakari. I want your babies" that shit turned me on so bad. The feel of her wet pussy around my dick and heading her ass cheeks slap as she threw it back on me. I couldn't control it. "Fuck, right there! Fuck daddy is cunning. Right there. Fuck your so warm baby." We both collapsed on the bed. Laughing, "That was crazy." She kisses me. "That was amazing." We both laid there trying to catch our breath. "I love you so much." I kissed y/n shoulders. "I love you too." She instantly fell asleep in my arms. Watching her sleep so peaceful made my love for her in that instant grow. I kissed her forehead and fell asleep shortly after.

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