Friends! How many of us have them

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"Pooh! Pooh!" Bri ran into my house. "Upstairs" Bri ran up into the bedroom. "oh you're crying! Where the fuck he at? Hell no!" She hugs me and I begin crying harder. " I'm stupid Briana. Look at me." Bri grabbed my face. "No, no look at me Y/n. You are not stupid." Bri grabbed tissues from my bed side. "Bri, I expected for him to be upset, but he told me to call him Mr.Jordan and from here moving forward only communicate regarding business." Bri noticed my wrist. "What happens here! Oh nah I don't care how fine and built like a god he is. He got to go." Bri grabbed her purse where her gun likely is. "No Bri, this is from Jonathan." Bri took her pistol out. "Oh well that giant stallion mother fucker can go too." I laughed. "BRIANA! Crazy put that away. I hit Jonathan's arm last night when he was leaving and twisted my wrist. He actually wrapped it." Bri grabbed my hand. "Girl, not for nothing you've had two of the baddest ninjas in the game right now. How does it feel?" She put her hand to my mouth like a microphone. I slapped her hand. "Girl get out of here. It's not suppose to be funny." Bri raised her eyebrow and laid her head on my shoulder. "I know girl, but it feels good to laugh in the mist of all this bullshit." I smiled. Bri has always been my sister. She moved to Cali with me to help build my company. We've laughed, cried, fought, and celebrated one another. I don't know where I'd be without her. "Okay, so let's clean ourselves up and get hella cute...and go find some new men! I mean no one will be Michael or Jonathan but I mean runner ups have positions too." We both laugh. "Girl it's only 10am. Where we finding men at?" She pauses, "damn girl who gets dumped in the morning." I throw a pillow at her. "Too soon BRIANA!" She chuckles. "Okay how about breakfast instead?" I smile and nod. "Breakfast it is." Walking towards my closet I see Michael's bag. I forgot he left it. I could smell his cologne in the bag. I instantly became emotional. "Bri, his bag." She grabs it and tosses it over the hall banister, it hits the ground. "Fuck that bag. Let's go!" I grab her hand, "Bri thank you for always being there." She hugs me. "That's what sisters do y/n. I love you girl."

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