The Winner

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Michael walked onto the stage with such confidence

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Michael walked onto the stage with such confidence. He rubbed his hands together and licked his lips before stepping to the mic. Bri held her hand over her chest and looked out into the audience as if she was looking for you. "How y'all doing." He bit his lip and smiled. Those pearly whites made the room light up. You wanted to get close but saw there were so many women flocking over him so you stayed back. "I want to thank y'all for this amazing event. Bri this is absolutely honorable and you look stunning." Bri yelled. "Michael B Jordan just called me stunning yall" Michael laughed. " Okay so the lucky lady that gets to spend 24 hours with me is........ Y/N!" Bri started jumping up and down "Oh my God that's my friend! That's my fiend!"

You heard your name called but in the moment everything went silent. Michael called your name again. "Is the beautiful Y/N here? I'd hate to move to another name." Bri snatched the mic, "She is here probably just star struck... there she is... Y/N get your ass up here. Let's give my girl an applause as she donated 20k to an awesome cause in honor of her mother! Y/n get your ass up here" Bri was talking through her teeth. You walked on the stage and your knees felt weak. Is this really happening? Michael met you at the beginning of the steps on the stage and put his hand out to yours. You couldn't believe that he was real. He smiled at you and bit that bottom lip again. "You look amazing y/n." You looked away as he helped you up the stairs. Michael held your hand and walked you center stage "y/n will you do me the honor in accompanying me for the next 24 hours?" You couldn't speak let alone move. You nodded your head excitingly and threw your arms around him embracing him in a hug. He smelled delicious and in your ear whispered "It's nice to meet you I look forward to my time with you." The base in his voice sent chills down your back.

Bri got back on the mic to closed the night out. Everyone started leaving while a few stayed and mingled. You texted Wayne to pick you up. "Hey, is someone picking you up." Immediately you knew it was Michael. "Hey you, and yes my driver should be here any minute." He smiled "Oh drive... okay baller! Well let me at least wait with you until your driver gets here." You were dying with pure excitement on the inside. "Or I can give you a ride myself? And I promise I won't dock the time for our date." You looked at him and he never took his eyes off of you. "I think..."

(Beep Beep... ) Wayne pulled up...

"All this truck is you?" Mike asked. "Yes, I like big things" Mike laughed and you completely blushed. " I mean, you know what I mean." He helped me into the truck. "It's really nice to meet you Y/N. My people will be in touch regarding my schedule and I look forward to our date. Don't play me and stand me up." You raised your eyebrow. "Who the fuck stands up Michael B Jordan?" You both laughed. "Michael, thank you." He smiled and pulled his hand from mine. "Don't say my name like that." He licked his lips and tapped the truck. "She's all set my guy. Get Ms.Y/N home safely." Wayne looked  in the mirror, "Looks like we found Prince Charming MS. y/n ?" You laughed and rolled the window up. "Take me home Wayne"

As you're pulling into the drive way Bri is calling. "BITCH! did that happen? Did you not call it! How did you know?" Laughing "Bri I didn't know, I had no idea and you didn't know the guest was Michael?" Bri FaceTimes " No! Girl if I did I definitely would have rigged that whole thing and I'd be going on that date." Wayne interrupts, " Ms. y/n we have arrived" you look at the phone. "Listen Bri I'll call you on my way to work tomorrow. I'm absolutely tired and have to go in here and research how to get a hand print off a dress." You both laugh and hang up.

Thank you Wayne, as always your tip is on the seat. "Good night MS.y/n"

Wayne pulls off and peers out of the gates. You walk up to you steps to hear a voice behind you.

"Wow you look stunning."

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