The Call

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It's been a few weeks since you and Jonathan connected. What was suppose to be a quick visit from Kevin turned into a couple of weeks stay.

You learned that your dad loss the house in foreclosure but never told you. He's been staying with you for the last few weeks in one of the guest bedrooms. He finally got approved for a new town house with you as the co-signed. You are excited because living with him isn't easy. You didn't mind as it gave you two time to catch up and you mostly were at work all day. You haven't seen Jonathan since your escapade a few weeks ago. He's been calling and texting but you've been contemplating on speaking to him. Jonathan has been your drug of choice since high school. You know getting back together isn't ideal but you can't stop thinking about his hands and lips being all over you. You also haven't heard from Michael's people about the date. "I'm sure that man is so busy that he is not worried about me."

Phone rings....startling you. "Hello is this y/n?" Typing on the computer. "Yes, how can I help you?"

Caller: hi y/n this is Evelyn one of MBJ's assistants. I'm calling to go over your schedule to coordinate your 24 hours with Michael. Also to discuss all the rules and incentives of the day.

You: trying to stay calm "Oh yes I completely forgot about this."

Evelyn: I'm sure you did.

You and Evelyn discuss the stipulations regarding the date. There is absolutely no photos, having sex, or exchange of money. Michael is available tomorrow. He behind filming Creed 3 after that and will then be on a lot of press tours making him unavailable until next year. Which do you prefer? You look at the phone and then out of your window. "I..I can do tomorrow." You look at your calendar and see you have a meeting with you billionaire client. It was almost like Evelyn could sense your hesitation. "Are you sure Ms.Y/N. I can book you on his next available appointment." You took in a deep breath, "yeah, listen, I have a meeting tomorrow I'm finally meeting our billion dollar client who I haven't had the opportunity to meet or even speak to. All business have been handled through their assistant, lawyer, and manager. I can't miss this opportunity not even for Michael." Evelyn paused, "Y/N, would you happen to be Bel-Air Marketing enterprise?" You looked oddly at the phone, "Yes, I am the founder and CEO, why do you ask" Evelyn giggled, "LA is so small. Is that client scheduled for 8a.m.?" You stood up as Jarred entered your the office. You put your finger up. "YES, Evelyn, what's going on?" She clears her throat. "Well your billionaire client is Michael." You gasp and fall back into your chair. Jarred quickly slides into the chair on the other side of your desk and pulls out his pen and notepad. "Evelyn, are you serious? I didn't know he was a billionaire!" Evelyn started whispering, "He's what we call a silent investor. He recently became one after buying that soccer team. It hasn't been released to the media. Mr. A-list eligible bachelor is now a billionaire... we are not ready for the influx of media that will come with that. He is getting ready to start directing and filming Creed 3 and he needs some quite time." You say there staring with your mouth dropped at Jarred . "So listen let's keep that date for tomorrow and after your meeting with Mr.Jordan, you two can start your 24 hour date." Jarred slid out of his chair being funny. You fanned him away and whispered for him to shut up. "Yes that's great, let's schedule." Jazzy walked in with a giant arrangement of flowers on two carts. You got of the phone as Jarred started yelling "YOOOOOOOOOO MICHAEL B JORDAN IS THE CLIENT AND YOUR DATE!" Jazzy jumped in, "Bitch what! I mean Ms.y/n what is he talking about?" You fall back in your chair, "Jaz it's cool we are back on a first name and Jarred it's not like that. Bri had her charity event and they were auctioning off a chance to win a 24 hour with an anonymous celebrity and we learned the celebrity was Michael that night. And I won the date." Jaz runs over to you like a teenager that just got tickets to see B2K. "Girlllll meanwhile Jonathan Majors is sending you flowers." Jarred looks at the cart. "Damn y/n you reeling them in like this? Please tell me your secrets." Jazz and Jarred are staring at you for answers. "No guys, me and Jonathan were engaged before the world knew him as the movie star he is. We dated in high school got engaged after undergrad and broke it off once his career started taking off." Jazzy walked over to you. "Girl, girl, girl, it's official I want to be like you when I grow up." Jarred grabs his papers off your desk. "alright I'm going to let you two do your girls thing talk or whatever it is. I'm going to look over this contract one last time and make sure all tomorrow will require is Mr.Jordan's signature." You and Jazzy smirk at Jarred, "You're the best Jarred thank you." He walked to the door, "Jazz are we still on for later, to look over those other client profiles?" Jazzy smiles and turns her head to the door. "Oh yes, of course I'll see you later." Jarred smiled then shut the door. " You for something you want to tell me about you and Jarred?" Jazz walks back to the cart of flowers, " Um so where would you like me to put these?" You walk over to her, "Oh my God you two are a thing." Jazz walks back to your chair avoiding eye contact. "Okay I know we are not suppose to and one night we got stuck working late together and decided to go grab something to eat. And since then  y/n he is amazing." You start dialing Wayne's number. "Hey Wayne, I need to run some errands. Let me know when you're downstairs." You look back up at Jazzy. "Jazz, it's fine. Just don't have sex in my office and make sure you keep the personal stuff to yourself. I can't loose my assistant and Marketing Director because they want to hook up. Take those flowers out into the office. Tell them they are free to anyone who wants them. Hey Bri on the line tell her meet me at my house tonight 6Pm SHARP!" Jazzy wheels the cart out. "Thank you y/n. I'm on it." You walk out of your office, "Oh and Jazzy, happy looks good on you. Clear my schedule for the rest of the day and after 9am tomorrow." She smiles and winks. "Got you boss lady." You walk to the car.

(Ding...Ding) "Hey, did you get the flower arrangements. I'm going out of town to begin filming for Creed 3. Michael personally called me for this project. Either way I love you and I hope I can have you on my lips again soon."

You pick up the phone and it rings...

Caller: Hello...

You: Hey Bri, let's meet downtown. I need something for my date with Michael tomorrow.

BRI: (screaming on the other end) I'm on my way girl!

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