The next day

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Your juices stuck to his lips. You could see your juices on his lips. He then parted your ass cheeks and ran his tongue between them. He went back to your clit and started twirling his tongue. Michael was fucking you with his face and you couldn't hold out any longer. "Baby I'm cumming on your tongue." He moaned, "give me all of it. Don't hold back." He started eating and fingering you. You felt his two fingers intensively thrusting in and out of you. "I'm cumming Michael." You start squirting in his face. "Shit, fuck y/n all this is for me" you're shocked because you've never squirted. "Michael looks over your pussy. "Turn over." You're breathless, "what?" He flips you over and puts your ass in the air. "You heard me. Do you want to taste yourself." Instantly you could cum just off of his voice. He grabbed your throat and leaned your back on chest. You turned to suck your pussy juices off of his tongue. Michael bent you back over and you heard him taking the condom out of the wrapper. He slowly eased inside of you while playing with your clit. "Fuck you're super tight. This pussy is perfect. I can't let you give this to nobody else." You laugh and moan at the same time. He smacked your ass so hard you let out a grunt. "You heard me y/n this is my pussy. I fuck it when I want it's mine now. Tell all your other little boyfriends that it's taken." Michael turned into Killmonger. "Say it's mine!" He started giving long strokes and you were gasping for air, "it's yours daddy, it's just yours." He smacked your butt again "good girl" You and Michael go on for the rest of the night until you fall asleep on each other.

You wake up to the sound of a blinder. You grab your head and squint your eyes as the sun is directly on you. "Michael?" You call out in almost a whisper. You throw your legs over the bed and realize you're still naked. "Oh shit, that was all real." Michael walks up to you, "hey sleepy head." He hands you a blended mix. "Trust me, this will kick you hangover." You take the glass. "Thank you." He smiles and leans over to kiss your forehead. "I enjoyed you last night." You smile and look away, "I can't believe I had a lot of sex with Bakari." He sat beside you, "You love calling me by my middle name. Girl only my grandma and mom addresses me as such." Pulling you back in the bed with him. "Well no it's mom dukes, grandma, and y/n." You kiss his chest. He bites his lip. "Don't start y/n, I can take you down right here right now." You jump up. "No, my everything is sore!" You laugh And reach for your phone. "Omg it's 2pm. Michael why did you let me sleep this long?" He tries to grab the sheet you're wrapped in. "Because the plane doesn't get here until 7 and you needed your rest." He gestured for you to get back in the bed. But you headed towards the bathroom to shower. " I can not lay down with you, next thing you know I'll be pregnant. Wait we used protection right?" You can back frantically towards the bed. Michael stood up, "what you don't want a little MJ running around." You threw a pillow at him. "Not funny Michael." He walked around the bed to you, "Yes, each time. But." He looked away, you grabbed his arm. "But what?" He moved the hair out of your face, "we ran out on the last round. I tried to stop you but you didn't want to hear it. You told me to pull out." You covered your mouth, "and did you?" He looked down, "Michael did you?" He sat on the bed, "It was too good, I got carried away. You tightened up and I got caught up." You sat on the floor, "oh my god." Michael started laughing, "I'm joking big head. We did run out which is why last round I ate you out until you dosed off." You hit his knee, "you're such an ass and gentleman." He crawled off the bed on the floor in front of you staring you in your eyes. "Listen, seriously." His jaw was so strong and his face was so serious. "It took everything for me to control myself last night. You do something to me. And I have this movie coming up. Y/n, you can't drive me crazy like this." You leaned over and kissed him. "Well Bakari, our 24 hours was up hours ago and I'll be on a flight soon back to real life. You won't have any issues out of me." You went to stand up and he grabbed your wrist gently. His eyebrow raised intensely. "I want all the smoke from you. That's the problem!" His voice was so deep. He starts kissing you gently. "Michael there's no more protection." Looking at you, "I know." He laid you on the floor. "I trust you, do you trust me? I have a clean bill of health. I want to feel you raw y/n" you sit up as you watched him growing. "Michael, whew, ummmm" your heart racing, "I only go raw with someone I'm committed to. And as much as that is tempting." You look at his shorts sticking out. "We, I, you and me...." Our breathing grows intense. "I can't! I'm already falling for you and it's not that I don't trust you. I can't fall in love with you." You stand up and run to the bathroom where the shower is still running. Michael rubbed the side of his nose with his thumb standing up to adjust himself. "You already are y/n" he whispered to himself. "we both are" he walked to the shower, "hey, I'm going to go to the gym work off this energy since I can't work you." We both laughed. You stuck your head out of the shower and kissed him. "I'll see you before you leave?" He smiled and kissed you, "I wouldnt have it any other way." Michael picked up his Nike duffle bag and headed to the gym.

After the shower you're wrapped in the towel while packing

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After the shower you're wrapped in the towel while packing. You start playing some music reminiscing about you day and night with Michael. You're on such a high that you don't realize your phone ringing. You answer with your teeth out of your mouth not realizing it's Jonathan on a FaceTime. "Damn I got you smiling like that?" Hearing the voice jolted you out of your moment. "Jonathan! Hey, I'm sorry I'm bugging don't mind me." He laughed, "I went by your office today. I flew in real quick to handle some business and thought I'd sneak up on you. Jarred said you were out today. You never take off so I wanted to make sure you're okay." You thought to yourself how sweet. Jonathan is really good on remembering details like that. "I'm fine, decided to take a break and fly out of town on a turn around trip. I'm actually packing now to come back." He smiled, "oh that's what we doing? Hey how did that big contract go?" For a moment you forget where you are. "Oh yeah it went great we got it!" Jonathan starts clapping! "YES! I knew you would. Now we have to celebrate." You look away and back at him. "Maybe, I let you take me out." You press your lips up. "Did you get my text about flying out to Vegas. I will have a few days in between filming. I'm waiting for Michael to finalize the schedule and then I can give you official dates." In an instance with the mention of his name you remember who you're with and where you are. "oh yeah I did, I'm sorry I'm just enjoying my time. Listen let me finish packing here and when you get those dates shoot them over. When I get back to work I have a lot to do with this new brand so I might be pressed on availability." Jonathan sucked his teeth. "Okay, you big dog don't have time for the little people." I laughed, "boy you're all over the tv screen. You big dog!" He barked jokingly. "I miss you y/n" Jonathan got serious and you couldn't help how good he looked. "I ...I.." hearing someone walking in. "Hey I have to go I'll call you later." You hung up and started reaching for clothes. "Ms. Y/n?" You answer with hesitation. "Yes?" A woman walks in with a tray of food and drinks. "My Jordan ordered room service for you ma'am." The woman smile and say the tray down. She just stood there smiling. "Thank you." You said as you tried to not be creeped out by her standing there. "I'm sorry MS.Y/n, it's just, Mr. Jordan never brings anyone here. Besides that ex evil woman. You must be special to him." Her accent was super strong but she spoke English well. You smiled and gave her a tip. "Oh no, Mr.Jordan includes all tips in my pay." you laughed, "but this is from me beautiful. Thank you." She smiled and walked out. You looked down at the plate that was beautifully made. There was a note on it from Michael. "Thank you for trusting me" you smiled and got dressed.

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