The final apology...

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I haven't spoken to Michael in 3 weeks. I've tried calling him but he won't answer. Jonathan is back on the road filming. He sent me beautiful flowers with a letter wishing me well and acknowledging the importance of our friendship.

Y/n, I'll always love you and will forever carry a piece of you with me. I truly hope my brother sees what I have always seen in you. And if he doesn't, that's okay. Because the person that is suppose to will love you endlessly. I'm sorry for the role I played in our break up. But I hope that our friendship will be even better.

(Phone rings)
Jarred: "Hey, so you might want to get to the office.
Y/n: "Jared I swear on everything if the police are at my office...."
Jarred laughs
J: "No, however you have a high profile client waiting in your office"
Y/n: "Jarred, who?"
J: "Well, they asked not to mention their name. It helps with the suspense."
Y/n: "I'll be there shortly"

Who could possibly be at my office? Is it Michael? He loves shock factor and surprises. No, it can't be. He wouldn't ignore me for three weeks and then just show up. Well just in case ... let's be prepared.

Getting off the elevator I'm met by Jarred and Jazzy

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Getting off the elevator I'm met by Jarred and Jazzy. "Dammmmmnnnnn okay!" Jarred claps. Jazzy shoots him a look. "I swear y/n, he doesn't want to work here." I swoop my hair behind my ear. "What are y'all trying to say?" Jazzy hands me some files. "I mean you're always fly, don't get us wrong. But you're giving revenge of the ex outfit." Jarred begins preparing me on the client. "Okay so in your office is Lori Harvey! Her team wants to discuss doing business." You pause and slap Jarred with the folder. "You have one of our highest profile clients ex girlfriend in my office!" Jazzy shakes her head. "I told him it was stupid." Jarred shrugs his shoulders. "Listen she came in with the legs out." I paused, "wait so she is here for business?" Jazzy looked around, "What Jaz?" She inhaled, "Listen word on the street is You and Michael are an item. Apparently some photos of you two came up and girl it looks like you in the pictures." Jaz handed me the photo. "Where did you get this?" I looked at Jarred and Jaz simultaneously. "No the question is where did she get this. Lori gave it to us." I ripped the paper. "It was a business meeting." Jarred straight faced. "So we just holding hands with our clients now?" Pinching Jarred in the neck, "Shut up! Y'all want the truth. Yes Michael and I were dating. However we broke up. It's an old photo."
Jarred sticks his hand out, "pay me" towards Jazzy. "Fine" she takes out a 50 and gives it to him. "Wait y'all had a bet on me? " Jazzy laughs, "Girl the whole office does. We all figured but you act all secretive." I proceed to my office. "Well since y'all know let's see what she wants." Jazzy tilting her head. "Oh this finna be good."

Opening the door "Ms.Harvey what do I owe this pleasure?" She turns towards me and smiles. "Your office is cute." She crosses her legs. "Thanks, now why are you in my cute office." Standing up, "Girl you're coming in hot don't you think. I just want to see what my competition looks like." Jarred coughs. "Excuse me?" Lori walked towards me slowly. "Oh don't play dumb girl. I know you and Michael are a thing, well were a thing. He spent the night on my couch talking about it. If it wasn't for you calling him 20 times we probably would have been on the second round." I look at Jarred, "Jarred, sweetie cover the door please, Jazzy, close every blind in here." Lori begins to laugh. "Oh the ghetto, can't take the ghetto out the business woman right?"
I walk towards Lori, "bitch you're damn right, Lori do you want me to beat your ass?" Lori laughs, "you get flown out to Michael's and I Villa and you think you're the new me huh?" Okay, what's happening here. How does she know about me and his Villa? "What do you want? Michael? Have him, I swear he is all yours." She walks around me. "No I don't want him." I laughed "So what the fuck do you want? I have clients." She smirked, "y/n what are you going to do? Beat my ass then have one of the richest people in LA sue you? You must think. I didn't come for anything besides coming to personally tell you. I'm always around." She begins to walk to the door. "Hey Lori,if you come up here again I will personally have you removed by security. At the time of the removal I will have TMZ break the news. And yes I will take that lawsuit as the photos that will be released will be of me beating your ass. Don't come to my office again." She opened the door. "Mmmm he got himself a feisty one. I like." She walks out.

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