The apology

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I can not be throwing up in front of this man. Did he just tie my hair up? Awww that's so cute. No y/n no we are mad at him. Michael took his blazer and black collar shirt off. He laid it over the couch and was now in his dress pants and beater.

"Hanging in there champ

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"Hanging in there champ." I looked up to see him handing me a towel. "Thank you, I'm still mad though." Michael brought over a pale full of water and mop, "that alright big head." It's been so long since you've allowed a man in your home, let alone help you. I should brush my teeth and shower. You stand up and instantly your knees buckled. "Woah, hey, just sit there baby, I got you." Looking at Michael, "stop calling me baby. We're supposed to be nothing more than friends . That's why I'm in my feelings now. Because I want you more than a friend. But you got your stupid career and ex girl and here I am thinking I could be yours and have you forever." You're so drunk the liquor has finally kicked in... the liquid courage is bringing out true feelings. Michael is smiling and those damn dimples are so precious. "You falling in love with me y/n?" What? Shut up y/n sober up SOBER UP. Your thoughts are trying to find logic but you're completely impaired. "Yes Michael I don't know why or how or when. Maybe fucking your celebrity crush rushes feelings." What did I just do. I don't even know him well. Well we've have had a lot of sex. Michael finishes the floor and comes back for you. "Come on big head, let's get you upstairs." With one swoop I was in his arms and my head automatically laid on his chest. "Michael I don't love you... but I really, really like you." Michael brought you into your bathroom where you brushed your teeth and guzzled down some more water. Michael ran a hot bath while stripping down to his shorts. "Here let's get you undressed and in the tub." He slowly took off my dress, "you looked amazing tonight. This dress fit you like a glove." I could feel my chest beating. "You're not getting any." Michael laughed. "You're more than that y/n." He walked you to the tub. "Get in." Kissing your cheeks while lathering the loofa. "You're the first guy I've been this interested in since Jonathan." Oh shit! Flag on the play y/n SOBER UP NOW. You sit up and start coughing. "Jonathan? Is that the mystery ex fiancé that you refuse to discuss?" Falling back into the tub you nod. "Yes." He continues washing you up, "well I really really like you to. And I would love if we could spend more time together when I finish this film. I don't want you to feel like I don't care about you. This is just really important to my career and I know you KNOW as a business woman what I'm talking about." That was a close one! "Yes, of course. Speaking of business I do need a timeline when you can come to the office to go over a few ideas?" He puts his face to yours "I don't care about work right now. Come on let's get you in the bed." He smells so good and is so gentle yet stern.

Michael wraps the cotton robe on the bathroom door around me. He puts me in the bed and kisses my forehead. "y/n I'm really sorry about tonight. I could have handled that better. I'm sorry you didn't feel protected and caught off guard. I never want to be responsible for you feeling like that. It's not my intention or interest. I promise there is no me and Lori. The tabloids and media are going to take this story and run with it. It keeps her relevant. Please ignore it, I don't care how they spin it, I'm single." Smiling, "I'm sorry you got hurt tonight and you got hurt by my actions." Taking his hand, "Thank you for apologizing." I fell asleep soon after. It's a bad storm I wake up to the sound of thunder. Sitting up I see Michael across the room on my sofa laying on his back. He's in his briefs looking up at the ceiling. He must have noticed I was awake because his lifts his head up. "Hey baby, you feeling okay." This man is going to keep calling me baby and I'm going to give him one. "Hey, yeah." Stretching, "why are you over there instead of in bed with me." He breathes out of his wide nostrils, "I've been thinking about what you said. I don't want you to think I'm here just for sex. I'm here because I enjoy being around you." I twirled my hair, "Is that so? Well what if I want you in the bed?" He stands up and walks over to me. Michael kneels between my legs and wraps his arms around my waist. He lays his head on my chest. "Y/n, I think we should seriously talk about where this could lead us." You run his head, and kiss the top of his head. "You can't think about a relationship, you have the movie coming then the press conference and you've just become the owner of a soccer league. Where would we fit in?" Michael looks into my eye, "I want you y/n." It gets intensely silent. He kisses you. I don't have words. He stands up in from of me "think about that." He kissed my forehead and walks back to the sofa. Until I can have you the way I want you we can't lay with each other. I fall back in the bed. "So , you're going to leave me over here with a crazy headache." He looks at me, "Tell me you want me and all that I come with and I'll come." Why is he playing with me! "Michael" he laughed. You both are trying to get comfortable and not cave in. You get up purposely with your robe open. Michael tossed to his side and puts his hand in his briefs. "Not fair y/n" walking back to the bed. "Have a good night Michael." He sits up, "I told you don't say my name like that." Laughing I fall back to sleep.

Do y'all want more? Let me know and I'll release the next several chapters.

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