Back to business

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You land in California and it's like a light switch flips. "Okay Jarred, fun's over, catch me up!" Jarred glances over to you. "Y/n, you know work hours are over?" You laugh, "Jarred when you work for me work hours are until I say we are finished." You look for your phone, "Fuck no, where is it." Jarred looking concerned, "your mind?" You hit him, "no my phone ass! Where is my phone." Jarred gets up to help you look. The plan comes to a hard stop and you fall backwards into Jarred arms. He falls into the chair. Jarred is holding onto you tightly. "I got you." The plane stops completely and the pilot  comes on. "Sorry for the fast stop  Ms. Y/n the plane has fully landed." You look up at Jarred your eyes catch for a moment. "Thanks for the save." Jarred voice is overcome with base, "anything for you y/n. You saved my life giving me an opportunity." His hand comes up as if he was going to kiss you but the plane door swung open. You jump up and grab your bag. "Okay, let's go I have to order a new phone first thing in the morning." Jarred stood up fixing his blazer. "Right." You walk over to Trevor and hug him. "Thank you Trevor for being the best Chauffeur. If my driver Wayne ever retire I'd love to steal you from Michael." You and Trevor hugged. "Absolutely Ms. Y/n." Jarred grabbed your bag from you and walked to his car. "Wait Jarred! Where is Wayne." Jarred looks at you and laughs. Well it looks like you forgot to tell him to pick you up and since realizing you don't have a phone you never had the opportunity to call him. So looks like your a damsel in distress that I must rescue." Trevor pulled up beside us, "Ms.y/n, Michael would kill me if I didn't bring you home. And it looks like Wayne has the day off. Would you like me to bring you home?" I looked back a Jarred who was staring at Trevor. "Bag please Jarred, and remember I'm never a Damsel in distress." You got into the car. "See you tomorrow Jarred!"

"Trevor you're a life saver, thank you." Trevor smiled at you, "Ms.y/n, watch your back with that one. I see how he looks at you." I laughed, "Jarred is fine Trevor, he interned at my office for nothing when I was a start up company. He comes from Jamaica, had nothing but the clothes on his back as a teen. He put himself through school got his MBA and became one of the best accountants I know. Does he flirt? Yes, but that's Jarred." Trevor nodded, "Just be careful."

Thank you so much Trevor. You jumped out of the car. "Hey y/n, Michael really likes you. Do you know how much  it cost to fuel a plane, let alone three just to make sure you get home?" We both smiled. "Have a good night Ms.Y/n" you walked up to your door where you were met by your dog. "Hey you!" You picked her up and rubbed her head. "I hope you were nice to Bri. Speaking of, let's see what she is doing." It was a little after 12am but Bri answered her FaceTime.  "Hey girl! This is the call I've been waiting for! Bitch spill everything!"  You and Bri caught up. "Oh and thanks for dog sitting." Bri rolled her eyes, "girl fuck that dog, was the sex good?" You laughed and rolled your eyes, "Bri! You know that was one of the stipulations. No sex!" She smirked, "so y'all didn't even try?" You gave her your best serious look, "No Bri. Besides I wouldn't have come back if we did." You both laughed. "Oh Pooh it's 2:30 in the morning! Girl I got to go." Looking at the time.  "You ! I have to wash this flight off me." Bri rolled her eyes,  "you mean Michael off of you." You hung up.

You turn the shower on and quickly open your laptop to check emails. You have an email from Jonathan with his schedule included. You respond to his email to letting him know you lost your phone and will have a replacement soon. Then you remember the find my phone app. As you type your Apple ID in the doorbell rings. You look up, "who the fuck is that? Ugh dad you have got to stop dropping in like this." You run downstairs as the doorbell keeps ringing. You have your gun tucked in your pants. As the doorbell gets louder you swing the door open. "Cut the shit dad!"

Your mouth hits the floor, "Michael?" Trevor yells from the car, "I told you MS

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Your mouth hits the floor, "Michael?" Trevor yells from the car, "I told you MS.y/n, he gassed the plane up again." Michael raises his eyebrow. "What is he talking about?"  You laugh, "nothing! But what are doing here?" He holds your phone up to your face. "You must have wanted to see me again." You jump in his arms, "thank you, I realized I didn't have it when I got back in town." You didn't realize how much you missed him until you saw him again. "Can I kiss you?" His voice sent chills down your spine. "Oh course you can." Michael grabbed you by the waist and gently placed his lips on yours. "Trevor!" Michael shouted. "I need 10!" Trevor laughed, "How about I give you the next hour. I can use a quick nap." Trevor laid his seat back in the car.

He walks in the door and you realize, "oh shit the shower." You run upstairs into your bathroom. Michael was right behind you. "You're just getting ready to shower?" You begin taking your sweatpants off, "yes, Bri and I have been on the phone for the last few hours." He moved his lips to the side. "Mmmmmhmmmm girl talk, I know how that go." You take your shirt off and you now in your bra and panties. You making small talk but Michael has stopped talking. You look across the room and he's in his boxers. He signals for you to come to him. "Come here y/n" you hesitate. "Mike I have to shower." He holds his composure and again directs you to him. A man has never had this type of power over you. You walk over, "Michael what?" He grabs the back of your neck and puts his other hand on your lower back and kisses you passionately. You moan as you press into his chest. He pulls back then stares at you. "You come the first time I call you, he puts that damn brown up and smacks your butt. You go to walk away and is tossed into the air and in his arms. "I can use a shower." He walks you in to the bathroom.

Your breast are pushed against the glass shower while Michael is behind you with his hands around your neck and fingering you. "Please... I'm about to cum, please let me cum." He stops and turns you around. "You cum when I'm ready." Again he has Killmonger in his eyes. He places your right leg over his shoulder and then your left. Michael stands straight up while your pussy is in his face. He puts your body against the wall and you are going wild. Again he gets you almost to a climax and then stops. "Michael stop playing with me!" He laughs, "you have no idea. Come here." He puts you down, "taste yourself."  He sticks his tongue out and you suck your juices off of it. You look him in his eyes, "please baby I need to release." Michael whispers in your ear, "we are not done." He turn the shower off and walks you out to the bed. He is so hard. "Show me how much you missed me." You walk over and gladly get on your knees. You kiss and lick his head. He started to pre-cum  and you sucked it out of his dick. He put his hands in your hair squeezing the back of your neck. "Y/n no one has ever sucked me off this good. Baby you do daddy so good" what is the man doing, why is he bringing out things in you sexually in ways you've never experienced. "Michael tell me you suck your dick." He looked down, "oh your nasty." You smiled, only for you. "suck my dick y/n, suck daddy dick just like that." You started twisting your hands and spitting on his head. You tried to swallow him whole until he stopped you. "That's enough, I don't want my girl messing up those pretty knees. "Your girl?" He laid you on the bed, "you heard me." He slid inside you and you grabbed his arm, "Bakari, do you have." He covered you mouth. "I got you, I restocked before I got here." You pulled him back into you. What started off rough became sensual. "Fuck baby," Michael breathing became intense. "Look at me y/n." You looked into his eyes, "talk to me." You grabbed his chest, "I never thought you would want someone like me." Michael started stroking you even slower. "You don't think I'd want someone smart!" He pushed into you and then out, "sexy!" He pushed into you again and out, "caring" he thrusted into your push again. Your eyes started rolling in the back of your head. "Cum with me" he sped up and you both started moaning like crazy. "Cum with daddy, shit cum with me y/n, fuck! Fuck!" You started squirting again, "oh my god, Michael, shit," He bite down on your bottom lip and climaxed. You held him as he laid on top of you. "You should forget your phone more often." Michael whispered in your ear, you laughed. "Why are you making this hard for us?" He raised up and the covers perfectly covered him. " what do you mean?" He kissed your hand. Michael was such a gentle creature. "You're going to leave to film for the next few months, I'll be booked and busy getting started on your MJB project. It's back to business and you know that." Michael sat up, "look here is my personal number." You realize you never exchanged numbers. "This is my personal email. This is manager personal cell. You can reach me whenever you want." He sent his phone a text from my number. " I thought you texted me before." He smiled, that is my business number. That number changes every two months once fans get it. You put your hand on his shoulder, "Hey you do remember that I'm a fan right?" He laughed, "My number one fan." He puts his nose to yours, "I have to go baby." You poke your lips out. "I told you I can't fall for you." He got out of the bed, "Do you trust me." You shrug, "how can I trust a stranger?" Michael put his shirt on and looked at you. "Yes just know I'm your stranger." He leaned back into the bed. "You know how to reach me y/n." He walks towards the door. "Hey Bakari... it's back to business." You smile and he winks. "I understand." You hear the door shut and you fall asleep.

Alright guys I'll upload more later...

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