Chapter 1: Death

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Tommy Pov:

I don't know how long I been stuck in this prison. I have started getting Angrier and scared by the second. Dream was going on and on about the revive book and how he going to get out of here.

I'm starting to think the book isn't real and that dream had made it up so he can live another day.

I started thinking about my life choices when I started to have enough with dream telling me that he going to get out of here and go after those I care about.

Tommy- Will you just shut up I am trying to think here

Dream- Oh tommy why did you tell me to shut up aren't we friends?

Tommy- No we are not You hurt me and Manipulate me for years.

Dream- Oh tommy I wasn't hurting you I was just being a good friend and looking out for you

Tommy- Ya like what you did with my wings huh? I can't fly again because of you

Dream- Oh Boo Hoo you couldn't even fly when you had them tommy. I had to make sure you didn't leave my sight while you were in exile

Tommy- Ya and look where you ended up dream

Dream- Your here too you know

Tommy- Ya but not for long I bet Sam is going to let me go free and I get to see all my friends again while you get to sit here and rot

Dream- .......

Tommy- I am also starting to think the Revel book isn't real at all and that you made it up so you could live another day

Dream- Oh tommy the revival book is real and I do have it

Tommy- Sure you do and I have functioning wings that aloud me to fly properly

Dream- And you do

Tommy- No I don't when you cut those feathers off me and even went as far as break my wing I couldn't fly for months and when I tried flying again I was almost shot down. I can't fly again because of you not anymore all you did was treat me like I was you pet

Dream- Oh tommy but you are. Your my friend and no matter where you are or what you do I will always be there to make sure you don't get away from me

Tommy- that also remind me if you do have the revival book then where is it dream? You don't have a house, you don't have friends anymore, and you rarely leave the dream smp

Dream- Tommy the book is in my head

Tommy- No its fucking not your just lying like you always do

Dream- I'm not lying tommy you should calm down before things start getting ugly

Tommy- Ugly Hahaha you can't kill me dream you said it your self and even if you did I will be a way from you even if I have to live the rest of my life in the void

With that I push dream away from me and walk to my side of the cell but that I'd when dream started laughing like a Psychopath

Dream- Oh tommy the revival book is real and thinking about it why don't I show you

Dream started slowly walking to me. I tried to back away from him but I end up cornering myself

That is when dream started hitting me. I tried fighting back but due to what little food & water dream gives me I knew I wouldn't win. As dream grab my neck I started scream and crying Sam name hoping he will come into the cell in time.

Dream- Sam not going to help you tommy. You don't need anyone but me tommy and maybe after I revive you we can start playing those exile games hey I might be able to kill you a few more times before some notice

Tommy- *coughing* your * trying to breath* insane

Dream- *laughs* that not nice to stay to your only friend tommy

Tommy- * Trying to breath* Your *cough* not my friend and know *big breath* what I don't care anymore I know this revive book is face and I get to *sniff* finally be free from you.

Dream- Your never going to be free from me tommy even after death I will always be there tommy  no matter what.

I started to loose consciousness but I couldn't help but smile as I know that I will soon be free from him.

Tommy- The *breaths* book isn't real and * cough* you know what *trying to breath* I don't care after all *cough* I know your going to pay

With that though I saw someone pull dream off of me but I know it was already to late. I have lost to much blood and it was getting really hard to keep my eyes open.

Sam- Tommy Tommy I'm here pls don't close your eyes

Tommy- Sam? Why? *breaths* why couldn't you let me *breaths* go home

Sam- I couldn't but after I heal you up you will be able to go home and see all of your friends again even get to see Sam nook as I heard you two are very close just keep your eyes open for me pls just pls don't close your eyes

I look at Sam and I saw he was going to start crying. I was to weak to move.

Tommy- Sam *trying really hard to breath* I'm sorry just tell everyone * cough* that I * Trying really really hard to breath*

I couldn't finish what I was trying to say as darkness had took over me. All I heard left was Sam crying and dream hunting laughter.

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