Chapter 16: Meeting His Mom

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Tommy Pov:

I was walking Izuku home when we got to his house. I was going to leave when Izuku grab me by the arm.

Izuku- Wait its getting really late and I don't want you to run into any bad people so why don't you stay the night?

Tommy- Are you sure? Won't your mom mind?

Izuku- No she won't mind at all

Tommy- Ok then

*Enter the house*

Izuku- Mom I'm back and I brought my friend over

Inko- Zuzu glad to see you back and who is your friend?

Tommy- Hi my name is Biginnit the most mannis of men in the world but you can call me tommy

Inko- Hi there tommy my name is Inko midoriya

Tommy- Nice to meet you Mrs. Midoriya

Inko- oh none of that just call me Inko if your a friend of Izuku's then your a friend of mine

Tommy- ok Mrs. Inko

Inko- Just inko is fine

Izuku- Can tommy stay the night here? Its getting really late and tommy place is father down the road

Inko- Of course you can stay here I was just about to cook dinner. I will call you guys down when its ready

Izuku- Thanks mom

Tommy- You mom is awesome

Izuku- ya she pretty cool now come on.

I headed up to Izuku room and was shock with how much merch this kid has. He must be a fan with this person because everywhere I look, that all I can see.

Tommy- I see your a fan. Is he a hero?

Izuku- *shock* you never heard of All Might?

Tommy- I'm not around here. You can say I was close off or even say I was living under a rock

Izuku- Well he the number one hero in Japan and I am his biggest fan

Tommy- I can see that. He must be awesome if he number one

Izuku- Oh trust me he is. I know almost everything about him, like how he fights and just everything

Tommy- Wow starker much

Izuku- Hehe ya I kinda get carry way when we talk about All Might

Tommy- I cam see that, so what's up with the note books I see that you have 12 of them here

Izuku- Oh that all on hero's and Villains

I decided to grab one and see if I can read it. Shino one of Hunks friends have been teaching me Japanese writing and how to read it. He told me I am really a fast learner but I just think what ever brought me here aloud me to speak Japanese because how can you explain a person who never been to Japan before can speak fluent Japanese.

Tommy- Umm Huh I can't really read this

Izuku- Oh that because I wrote it in code. I knew how dangerous it is to have those books out and if I lost one or it got into the wrong hands that can cause a lot of trouble for me and maybe for the hero's so I write it in code that I only understand

Tommy- Wow that's amazing and scary at the same time

Inko from down stairs- Dinner ready

Izuku- Coming mom

*Time Skip*

We were eating dinner and taking about random things when Inko ask me a question.

Inko- So tell me more about you Tommy

Tommy- ok well I have a Father and two older brothers. I don't really know my mom as she was force to leave to keep me safe.

Izuku- Oh was she a hero or something?

Tommy- I'm not sure. My dad believes she dead but I think she still alive out there somewhere

Inko- Tell me about your brothers and father if you don't mind me asking.

Tommy- Sure My father is a very wise man. He can talk to crows and have huge black wings that aloud him to fly around. People Call him Crowza but I call him Dadza or sometimes the Crowfather

Izuku- Wow that sounds amazing so he can talk to crows and have huge wings. Can you talk to birds too or is it just only him? I still can't believe you two have wings just like the hero hawks it must feel amazing to fly in the sky.

Tommy- Yes, I can Talk to bird too but I can only talk to crows and parrots. We use to fly around together after I thought myself to fly but we don't fly together anymore

Inko- If you don't mind me asking what do you mean you had to fought yourself how to fly?

Tommy- Well my dad always favorite my older brothers over me. When I got my wings my dad never seem to care. You see there been a legend going around which is half true in a way. If your an avian, you have to learn how to fly when you get your wings or else you can never fly. I didn't want to take any chances so I tried to get my father to help me fly. He never did so I thought myself.

Inko- Oh that sounds horrible

Tommy- Its fine now lets talk about my older brother. He really scary if you anger him and he really hates governments. He really strong but also really kind too. He also hates orphans though.

Izuku- Why does he hate Orphans?

Tommy- I don't really know. I think it something to do to him past but my family doesn't really talk about it. Then there wilbur the person who raise me the most. My father was paying attention to techno at the time and this is where are mother left. My father took my older brother and left us. He raise me to be the person I am today. Even though we aren't that close anymore I still care for them. We all have are fare share of fighting and getting along but we are all still family in a way.

Inko- Aww that kinda sweet. Well its getting kinda late and I see you boys are finish so why don't you head to bed.

Tommy- Don't you need help washing dishes because a fine lady yourself shouldn't do all the work alone

Inko- *Chuckles* no I'm fine but thank you tommy

Izuku- Here follow me I know where you can sleep tonight

Tommy- Ok goodnight Mrs. Inko

Inko- Goodnight Tommy

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