Chapter 3: New World

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No One Pov:

After tommy dead his soul was taken by the void with open arms. Even though it was pitch black and there was nothing tommy found it comforting.

Before tommy could do anything though he heard a familiar voice at first he thought he was going crazy because he couldn't see anyone but then a thought pop up.

Tommy- Wilbur, Mexican Dream, Shlatt? Anyone there?

???- It wasn't your time tommy I wasn't supposed to see you here so soon

Tommy- Umm who are you?

???- That not important but what is important is what happen to you. The last time I saw you, you were this happy child that having fun but now look at you what happen?

Tommy- I rather not talk about it

???- Hey That ok but I am afraid you can't stay here

Tommy- What?

???-You don't belong here tommy it wasn't your time

Tommy- So what? I'm here now

???- Tommy you can't stay here that why I have to send you back but that world where you come from don't deserve you. You should be happy and away from them but I know I will get in trouble by him if he find out.

Tommy- He? who he?

???- The one that made me leave but that not important. I am going to send you somewhere tommy. Somewhere I hope you find happiness and love maybe even a girlfriend if your lucky

Tommy- Hey I have you know this big man have all of the ladies

???- *soft laugh* ya sure you have all of the ladies

Tommy- hey wait will I see you again?

???- Yes we will meet again tommy I just hope its not too soon

Tommy- Wait hold on where are you taking me?

???- If I tell you it will ruin the surprise sadly though you won't remember much when you wake up just know there are people out there. People who you can trust just pls don't get into any trouble while being there ok

Tommy- ok I guess I can try but wait I still don't know your name

???- You will find out who I am in due time tommy just know we love you and what ever you choose to do I am going to be proud of you no matter what.

Tommy- Hey wait

With that a bright flash of light appear and tommy woke up in pain. As he slowly open his eyes he notice that he wasn't in the prison anymore. Tommy also notice that its night. He tried getting up slowly only to fall over again. He was badly injured and also doesn't know where he was.

He look in his Inventory a notice that he had a healing potion, five golden apples, and two enderpeals. He doesn't remember having these in his inventory. He look also look at his surroundings. He doesn't remember the dream smp having a opening like this but then again he was in that prison a while so things could of change.

While looking around though he notice something. Something was Sparkling and shining between a trashcan and the brick wall. When he walk up to it he notice it was the axe of peace and there was a note attached to it. The note read:

You might need this if you run into any trouble :)

Tommy look at the axe of peace before slowly grabbing it. He look at it before putting it away in his Inventory as is something was telling him to hide it. That is when he started to have a feeling of someone watching him and that is when he heard a noise right behind him.

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