Chapter 15: Chilling

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Eraserhead Pov:

I was trying to sleep after having a long night. I ran into the vigilante that have been appearing as a lately. They weren't anywhere I thought.

They seem younger and is most likely a problem child but I am not really sure. There get up looks like a demon and he named himself Icarus from the Greek legends. What worries me the most is how he said that Icarus and them are one in a same.

If you don't know the story of Icarus he the one that flew too close to the sun and had ended up dying in the end. What life did this vigilante had before he had became a vigilante is something I will never know.

Hizashi- Babe it's time to get up

Hizashi Yamada aka President Mic my husband said as he tried shaking me awake.

Aizawa- go away Hizashi I had a long night and just want to catch up on sleep

Hizashi- But Nezu called for us

Aizawa- Not my problem

Hizashi- Shota Aizawa get your lazy butt up right now or so help me

Aizawa- fine I'm up

Aizawa Mind- I wonder what Icarus is doing?

Tommy Pov:

Izuku and I were hanging out together. I have been meeting up with him after he was done with school. I did run into his bullies from time to time but I think there scared of me or something because when I show up all of them would just run away well almost all of them.

Katsuki bakugou the blonde hair red eye kid that I ran in a few days ago. He hates me the most and have been trying to pick a fight with me but as a lately he has been giving me the death eye.

I don't know his problem but I hope he gets help because if he wants to be a hero, having anger issues and an attitude won't get him far.

Tommy- Hey Midoriya why is that pomeranian always around you?

Izuku- Oh Kacchan he likes to umm

Tommy- Izuku we talk about this. If he bullies you then he not your friend

Izuku- Ya I know it just hard

Tommy- I know it can be hard but we can work on that now lets head to the arcade before I walk you home

Izuku- That sound great let me text my mom.

Tommy- Ok?

*Few minutes later*

Izuku- she said its fine but she also wants to meet you if you don't mind

Tommy- Oh I don't mind at all. She probably wants to know how awesome of a friend I am to you and hoe I scar away all your bullies

Izuku- *chuckles* ya maybe

Tommy- Well then lets go I heard there this new game and I have been dying to play it. I bet I will beet it though because I am the champion of all video games

Izuku- Alright alright lets go tommy before the arcade close

Tommy- Right lets get a moving on then

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