Chapter 21: You Can Be A Hero

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Tommy Pov:

I was help making bake goods for hunk cafe when I heard someone enter. I look to see it was Izuku.

Tommy- Hey Midoriya. Hey what's wrong?

Izuku- I can't be a hero I-I

Izuku was crying like if someone had came and took everything from you. I know how that feels and I don't want anyone feeling the same pain that I felt.

Tommy- Of course you can he a hero Izuku. Hero's don't need quirks and powers to save people. All a heroes need is a good heart ANF skills. I even believe anyone can become a hero. Why are you even upset about it? You always told me that you would be a hero no matter what anyone told you. What happen? Who do I need to kill?

Izuku- Tommy there no need for that *sniff*

Tommy- Of course there's a need for that. There a bastard out there that made you cry. Who was it? Was it your old bullies again? I swear if it is I will personally go into there houses and make sure they feel the same pain that you feel. I will make sure that every singe painful thing they did to you, I will make sure they can feel every last on-

Izuku- No no no it wasn't them it just *sigh* I met All Might today and he told me that I couldn't become a hero because I'm quirkless. He told me that if I want to help people I should be a police officer or a doctor.

Tommy- That no good nothing hero said that. Will here one thing he can't do now

Izuku- And what is that?

Tommy- Well he ban from ever entering here now. If they made my brother cry then why should I let him in here if that the case. Now quit your crying and bring the groceries over here. I will be personally training you tomorrow alright

Izuku- *Sniff* thank you tommy I never had a friend like you

Tommy- Well get use to it. I see you as my little brother and I will make sure nothing bad happens to you alright

Izuku- Thank you tommy I never had a brother before.

With that Izuku ran up and gave me a hug. I hug back knowing that he needed this more than anything in the world

Tommy- Your training starts tomorrow. We will be going to the beach area where we will be cleaning up garbage and maybe you can create some things from it.

Izuku- Wait really. Your going to train me. You weren't just saying that

Tommy- Of course I wasn't saying that. The big bossinnit will never lie to you

Izuku- *giggles* thanks tommy I needed that

Tommy- Well lets put the groceries away before the milk gets bad ok?

Izuku- Right

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