Chapter 12: New Home

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Tommy Pov:

I was heading back to the cafe when I kept on thinking about the boy I just bump into. He just reminds me of myself in a way even though he probably have more of his innocence in tract.

When I got to the cafe it was already late. I ender and I see a smiling Hunk.

Tommy- So why did you need me here late at night?

Hunk- Because I have a surprise for you.

That is when he took me downstairs of the building. It was like a basement type place. Its where we would hold all of are storage.

Tommy- Ok? So why are we down here? And why are most of the boxes gone?

Hunk- Well I been kinda thinking and well I want you to live in the cafe.

Tommy- WHAT!?

Hunk- I know I should of got your room ready before I pulled you down here but I just want to-

Tommy- Oh no no no I mean are you sure? Won't this cause any problems at all?

Hunk- No it won't. This space is all yours. After I move the rest of the boxes in the attic of course.

Tommy- So you really are offering me to live here?

Hunk- Yes. I know life wasn't fair for you and I heard your birthday is coming up soon what are you turning again?

Tommy- I'm turning 16 I believe

Hunk- Wow I still can't believe your turning 16

Tommy- I know right it was kinda a shocked

Tommy Mind- Well it was a shocker to me too. When I was brought into this world it set me back to the age 15 and now look at me turning my life around for the good.

Tommy- Are you really sure?

Hunk- Yes I'm sure happy really early birthday tommy

I ended up hugging Hunk as I let tears of Joy. I finally have a place to stay. I don't have to fight wild animals for food or even worry about the cold anymore.

On the same night I started moving my stuff in. Hunk told me that we would be decorating my room tomorrow as the cafe is going to be close due to some problems we have with the pipes.

I lay in my sleeping bag looking at the stealing.

Tommy Mind- Wow I went from a horrible life to ended up dying. Then waking up in the world, being homeless, finding a job, becoming a vigilante, and now I have a place to live. Look at how far I had gone mom. I think I am going to make it.

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