Chapter 6: My First Encounter

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Tommy Pov:

Its been about a few weeks since I met Hunk. He hired me and I have been working at the yellow lion since then. I still wonder though why is it called the yellow lion? He told me he named it after an old friend but when I ask who he won't say anything else.

I understand that its none of my business but I can't help it I am a little bit curious on it but I'll wait until he tell me himself.

When I started working though I did have some trouble with some of the customers. I haven't been around a lot of people so I was kinda struggling for my first day. If it wasn't for hunk helping and teaching me about what I should do I would think I would of been fire a few days ago.

That is when some of the problems started happening. I was surfing a normal everyday customer when a woman with her little son walks in.

Now I don't see a problem with this at first but that is when the little brat have started touching and playing with things he not suppose to. Now since he wasn't causing that much damage so I couldn't do much about it and since he wasn't bugging the customers I didn't see any reason to but in.

That is where the first problem came up. The kid mom decided to cut in line. She cut in front of a pregnant lady but what made it worse was she turn to her and told her to leave as she needed to loose some weight and her eating the sweets here would just make her more fat.

I wanted to kick this lady out right away but since she hasn't broken any of the rules yet I couldn't.

Then her little brat came right next to her and was asking her for something but she just brush it off and told him to play with something as "mama busy waiting in line" I swear if that kid breaks something or make a huge mess I am going to loose it.

Then it was the women turn to order. She took so long and was being really picky about what she wants to order which made a lot of the customers behind her upset.

When she was done ordering and I was helping other customers with there order I notice her little brat looking at me or at least what at top of my head.

After a few minutes have past and I gave the woman her food she came back up to me and poor her hot coffee on my hands saying that I did it wrong.

That is when I started to get pissed off. Her brat was asking her something about my horns and she turn to me.

Karen- look I want my money back and my son want your horns

Tommy- I'm sorry miss but you ate most of your food and had also drank half of the coffee you spill all over me. Also these horns are not a toy there real

Karen- Well off course the horns are fake and I don't care I want my money

With that she tried to grab my horns but I back away. She started screaming at me while her brat was crying and asking for my horns.

Tommy Mind- Why in the hell does she think my horns are fake when there are legit people out here with superpowers like come on you can't be that stupid

Tommy- Ma'am your causing a scene I may have to kindly ask for you to leave before things get ugly

Karen- Are you threatening me I want to talk to your manager or else I will start using my quirk

Tommy- You know what fine I will get my manger

I walk back to see hunk cooking extra food for the homeless shelter.

Tommy- Hey hunk there is a customer that causing problems. She wants to see you?

Hunk- Ok give me a second

He then put the soup he was cooking down. I always wonder why he tried new cook recipes when this is a coffee shop but hey if the man want to cook and add things to his shop then I will let him cook after all he is making a lot of people happy with his sweets and food.

We walk back to see an angry Karen with her little brat crying and asking for my horns still.

Hunk- Why hello there I am the manager of this place and was wondering what seem to be the problem?

Karen- Yes there is a problem you see that boy right there need to be fired and give his fake horns to my son.

Hunk- First of all why does he need to be fired? And secondly those horns aren't fake

Karen- Well this employee is so rude to my son and I. He wants to kick us out and he even got my order run and refused to give my money back

Tommy- I didn't get your order wrong and you ate most of your food. You even poor half of your hot coffee on my hands

Hunk- I'm sorry what did you do to my employee?

Karen- No he lying I didn't spill hot coffee on his hands. He just burn his hands on purpose so I won't get in trouble

Brat- I want your horns give me your horns now

Tommy- sorry little dude but my horns are real

Karen- No there not

With that she grab my horns and had started pulling them hard. I tried to pull away but that is when hunk place his hand on her.

Hunk- Ma'am I adjust you leave before I call the cops and hand them my camera footage

Karen- Wait you have cameras?

Hunk- of course I do now are you going to leave or what

Karen- Fine we will leave this horrible place and never come back

With that she grab her little brat who was still crying and storm out of the store.

Tommy- Thank you hunk

Hunk- Tommy I could tell you were holding yourself back and I want you to know that you don't have to hide being yourself

Tommy- I know that it just I don't want to loose my job that all

Hunk- I'm not going to fired you tommy and I want you to be yourself. When you are yourself you make a lot of people happy

Tommy- Really?

Hunk- Yes now come on its about time we close up and I want to drop off the food I have to the homeless before the soup get cold. I want you to help me and when you do I might even give you some of my soup

Tommy- Really!?

Hunk- Yes

Tommy- poggers lets go then

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