Chapter 14: My Name

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Tommy Pov:

After midoriya left and the shop was lock up and everything it was go time. I put on my vigilante costume and let my wings out. I got lucky the last time I was out be a vigilante. Some dude try cutting my wings off and then this hobo looking of a hero shows up and true to catch me it was getting annoying as a late because of it.

I left the cafe and took flight into the sky. I started looking around for some trouble to start off my night.

*Time Skip*

I was on a roof taking a little break. I took out five robbers, 2 group of thugs, a huge group of people who were selling drugs, and had stop child trafficking. I was look at the sky when I heard someone behind me.

I look as saw the hobo hero again. I didn't know his name and I really didn't want to know.

Tommy- Its good to see you again hobo hero but I need to leave I have more important things to do than fighting you

Hobo Hero- I'm sorry but I have to take you in

Tommy- I still don't understand why there hero's who don't help people who are in need. I bet you like watching people suffer. My brother was right there no true hero's out in the world anymore. If you want a hero to save you, you have to be that hero because no one is going to help you. Its people like you that make me sick to my stomach hobo hero

Hobo Hero- My name isn't hobo hero it's Eraserhead

Tommy- EraserHead? HAHAHAH that is the most stupid name I ever heard of in my life but I guess since you gave me your name I will give you mine. My name is Icarus.

Eraserhead- Icarus? As in the Greek myth?

Icarus- Yes Icarus and I have a connection in a way EraserHead but I better be heading off goodbye

With that I jump off the room and tried to fly off but a scarf rap around me and push me to the ground.

EraserHead- Your coming with me Icarus

Icarus Mind- Shit I can't have my guard down idiot. Just because I can fly doesn't mean I shouldn't to my guard down idiot

Icarus- *sigh*

I then pull out the axe of peace and cut clean threw the scarf. I heard a metal sound as it went clean threw and it shock Eraserhead.

I then left and head back to the cafe. I put my suit down when I head something fell and shatter. I look down and saw my voice changer just broke.

Tommy- You have to gotten to be kidding be what am I going to do now *sigh* I guess I don't have to talk while doing my vigilante work or until I can get a new one that is. Gosh dang it why does horrible things have to happen around me.

I let out another huge sigh before picking up the leaves and threw them away. There was no way for me to fox that as I never felt with technology like that before.

Tommy- I better head to bed so I won't look tired tomorrow. *sigh* why does life hate me?

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