Chapter 18: We Can Fix This

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Tommy Pov:

I don't know what happen. One minute ago I was getting ready to change and go out doing my vigilante work when I heard banging and muffle crying.

I went to go check it out only to see midoriya crying and trying to get in the cafe. I open the cafe and midoriya just collapse in my arms crying and trying to breath.

I didn't know what was going on. I tried to calm him down but it seem he can't hear me. Before I knew it he just past out.

Tommy- *sigh* what happen to you Izuku?

*Time Skip*

I put izuku on my bed as it seem he had a very long day. Of course I couldn't go out noe since my friend is here and I need to be here if he does wake up.

While waiting I turn on the Tv and went threw some channels to see the news had pop up. They were talking about a someone place on fire and I was about to change the channel when they mention a name.

News Person- It seem the play had went up in smokes and no one knows how it happen. People say it could be an accident when others say someone with a fire quirk did this. Someone with the name inko midoriya was found dead. It seem she was fighting with someone before the place catch on fire but we aren't sure. Izuku midoriya have not been found but people believe he might have also died in the fire and due to the flames being too hot his body was cremated. If you have any information about what happen here pls call the police now back to the weather.

I turn off the Tv and look at Izuku midoriya.

Tommy Mind- People are going to believe your dead midoriya. Rather that a good thing or a bad thing I'm not too sure.

It took a few minutes before Izuku finally woke up.

Izuku- Ow what happen? Wait what am I doing here?

Tommy- Midoriya are you ok? I just watch the news people think your dead

Izuku- oh so it wasn't a dream

Tommy- Sorry to say but ya it wasn't a nightmare. What are you going to do? Are you going to go to the police station and tell them your alive? There going to put you in a orphanage you know.

Izuku- I know but what am I going to do? I have no where to go and have nothing left in my name.

Tommy- I think I cam help you with that

That is when I pull out my communicator and had start texting hunk about the problem at hand. He told me that he going to be there tomorrow and that I should make sure Izuku stay here for the night.

Izuku- Who did you just text?

Tommy- I had just texted Hunk. He told me that he has a plan for you but you should spend the night here. Take my bed I have a sleeping bag. I am going to sleep on the floor.

Izuku- Oh no no no I should sleep on the floor tommy this is your room after all

Tommy- Izuku midoriya I am not going to fight you with this ok. You had a long horrible day and you need proper rest. Hunk told me he going to fix everything for you.

Izuku- How? He can't bring my mom back and I am going to be send off to an orphanage where I am never going to be adopted from and I might end up dead before I get out of there

Tommy- That why we have a plan. I am not sure what Hunk is going to do but believe me when I say this. He got you alright so calm down. I know its hard but you need proper rest alright? I'm not going to leave you. If you need me you can always wake me up alright?

Izuku- Ok thank you tommy

Tommy- No problem now get some rest tomorrow is going to be a business yet confusing day for all of us

Izuku- Yes I bet goodnight tommy see you in the morning

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